
Specifies the mode for defining and using feature edges for element-based re-meshing.


*setusefeatures mode


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Specifies the mode for defining and using feature edges for element-based re-meshing.


The mode for defining and using feature edges for element-based re-meshing.
0 - Feature edges will be auto-detected using the simple feature detection algorithm (as in the Features panel). The feature angle is set using *setoption feature_angle.
1 - The selected mark of 1D plot elements will be used to form feature edges. This is also useful for using the Features panel to detect and manually edit features. The elements are specified using *elementsaddelemsfixed.
3 - Feature edges will be auto-detected by specifying the connected feature detection algorithm. The feature angle is set using *setoption feature_angle.
7 - Use associated surface edges.
8 - Feature edges will be auto-detected by specifying the connected feature detection algorithm, keeping 1D elements which are part of 2D mesh edges and existing FE edges with nodes already associated to surface edges.
9 - Feature edges will be created from the selected mark of 1D plot elements, keeping 1D elements which are part of 2D mesh edges and existing FE edges with nodes already associated to surface edges.


To remesh the displayed elements and keep lines formed by plot elements with IDs 1600-2220:

*createmark elems 1 "displayed"
*setusefeatures 1
*createmark elems 2 1600-2220
*elementsaddelemsfixed 2
*defaultremeshelems 1 3.0 2 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 30

To remesh the displayed elements with auto detected feature edges with a feature angle of 80 degrees:

*createmark elems 1 "displayed"
*setusefeatures 0
*setoption feature_angle=80
*defaultremeshelems 1 3.0 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 30



Version History


2020.1 - Added new mode values 8 and 9.