
Translates a shell or solid beam section within its local coordinate frame.


*beamsectiontranslate beam_sect_id translate_option translation_y translation_z


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


The beam section specified will be translated by the amounts specified by translation_y and translation_z, or be centered at the centroid or the shear center of the beam depending on the option specified by translation_option. The beam must be of type shell or solid.


The ID of the shell or solid beam section to update.
0 - The section will be translated by the amounts specified by translation_y and translation_z.
1 - The section will be centered at the location of the centroid.
2 - The section will be centered at the location of the shear center.
Amount of translation in the local y direction of the beam for a translation_option of 0.
Amount of translation in the local z direction of the beam for a translation_option of 0.


To translate a beam section with ID 1 to be centered at its shear center:
*beamsectiontranslate 1 2 0 0
To translate a beam section with ID 1 by 1.0 in the local y direction and 2.1 in the local z direction:
*beamsectiontranslate 1 0 1.0 2.1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
