
Projects entities to multiple surfaces.


*markprojecttomanysurfaces <option1>=<value1> <option2>=<value2> ... <optionN>=<valueN>


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Projects entities to multiple surfaces. The entities are projected to the surface closest to it along a given vector, or normal to the surface.

All options may be specified in any order.


1 - Project by vector
To project along a vector given its 3 components along x, y and z directions, VectorXComp, VectorYComp, and VectorZComp are used.
To project along a vector defined by 2 nodes VectorNode1Id and VectorNode2Id are used.
To project along a vector normal to the plane defined by 3 nodes VectorNode1Id, VectorNode2Id and VectorNode3Id are used.
2 - Project normal to surfaces
The entity type to project. Valid values are elements, nodes and points. This is a mandatory option.
The ID of the mark of entities to project. Must be set to 1. This is a mandatory option.
The entity type to project onto. Valid values are surfaces. This is a mandatory option.
The ID of the mark of entities to project onto. Must be set to 2. This is a mandatory option.
The ID of the first vector node. Valid only when ProjectionType=1.
The ID of the second vector node. Valid only when ProjectionType=1.
The ID of the third vector node. Valid only when ProjectionType=1.
The x component of the vector. Valid only when ProjectionType=1.
The y component of the vector. Valid only when ProjectionType=1.
The z component of the vector. Valid only when ProjectionType=1.


Project nodes 1575-1674 to surfaces 17-19 along the vector (5.7, 0, 9.5):

*createmark nodes 1 1575-1674
*createmark surfaces 2 17-19
*markprojecttomanysurfaces SourceEntityType=nodes SourceEntityTypeMarkId=1 TargetEntityType=surfs TargetEntityTypeMarkId=2 ProjectionType=1 VectorXComp=5.7 VectorYComp=0 VectorZComp=9.5

Project elements 123-168 to surfaces 7-10 along the vector given by nodes 1798 and 1820:

*createmark elements 1 123-168
*createmark surfaces 2 7-10
*markprojecttomanysurfaces SourceEntityType=elems SourceEntityTypeMarkId=1 TargetEntityType=surfs TargetEntityTypeMarkId=2 ProjectionType=1 VectorNode1Id=1798 VectorNode2Id=1820

Project points 136-140 to surfaces 15 and 16 normal to the plane given by nodes 1200, 1208 and 1210:

*createmark points 1 136-140
*createmark surfaces 2 15 16
*markprojecttomanysurfaces SourceEntityType=points SourceEntityTypeMarkId=1 TargetEntityType=surfs TargetEntityTypeMarkId=2 ProjectionType=1 VectorNode1Id=1200 VectorNode2Id=1208 VectorNode3Id=1210

Project nodes 136-140 normally to surfaces 15 and 16:

*createmark nodes 1 136-140
*createmark surfaces 2 15 16
*markprojecttomanysurfaces SourceEntityType=points SourceEntityTypeMarkId=1 TargetEntityType=surfs TargetEntityTypeMarkId=2 ProjectionType=2


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History