
Creates a spline surface inside all loops of selected lines.


*surfacesplinepatchforholes mark_id fill_gaps options


HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command


Creates a spline surface inside all loops of selected lines. If the created surface’s NURBS poles are twisting, bad surfaces are deleted. Both topological and free lines can be used for the loop for spline creation. If the lines are not forming a closed loop, connecting lines can be automatically created. The tangencies of the created splines match the tangencies of any connected surfaces. Created splines are organized in the same components as the input lines.



The ID of the mark containing the input entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.

The gap filling mode.
0 – Input lines must be all connected into a closed loop within the internal tolerance.
1 – Connection lines are created for gaps exceeding the internal tolerance.
The options for creating the surface. Bit values are used and the value is calculated as (Bit0 + 2*Bit1 + 8*Bit3 + 1024*Bit10).
Component mode. Used to determine which component will be used to place created surfaces.
0 - Current component is used.
1 - Component of input lines are used. If different components are used as input, the component to which the majority of the lines belong is used.
Line ends usage mode. Used to control creation of vertices on the constructed spline. Currently works only for planar surfaces.
0 - Vertices are created automatically on constructed surface.
1 - Vertices are created at input line ends.
Surface stitching option. Used to override the default stitching algorithm.
0 - Default stitching algorithm as defined by *setoption geoms_stitching command.
1 - Created surface is not stitched to any model surfaces.
Mesh stitching option. Used to control the connectivity of the mesh created on the new spline surface in simultaneous meshing modes set by the *surfacemode command.
0 - New mesh is not connected.
1 - In *surfacemode 1, existing mesh nodes on input lines are used if new spline edges are stitched to those lines. In *surfacemode 2, existing mesh nodes on input lines are used to create the mesh on the new spline surface.


To create spline surfaces for lines 1-10 and fill the gap:
*createmark lines 1 1-10
*surfacesplinepatchforholes 1 1 0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History



See Also






