Sets various option values.
*setoption <option>=<value>
HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command
Sets various option values.
- <option>=<value>
- The name of the option and the corresponding value to assign. Valid options and values
are as follows:
- 1d_at_centroid=<value>
- Controls whether the 3D representation of 1D elements is relative to the centroid or the shear center. Valid values are:
- alt_lmb_rmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for Alt key and left + right mouse button drag.
- alt_mmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for Alt key and middle mouse button drag.
- alt_rmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for Alt key and right mouse button drag.
- anti_alisasing=<value>
- Sets the anti-aliasing mode:
- auto_cleanuptol=<value>
- Sets the geometry cleanup calculation mode. Valid values are:
- auto_elementsize=<value>
- Sets the element size calculation mode. Valid values are:
- auto_nodetol=<value>
- Sets the node tolerance calculation mode. Valid values are:
- auto_mesh_color_mode=<value>
- Sets the auto mesh color mode for mesh lines. Valid values are:
- axis_drawn_view_cube=<value>
- Control axis arrows when show_view_cube=1 or show_view_cube=2. Valid values are:
- beam_lod_threshold=<value>
- The zoom level required to make beams visible, as an integer value from 0-10 (default 6.5). 0 means mesh lines are always visible. Smaller values indicate minimal zoom is needed. Higher values mean more zoom is needed.
- beam_lod_threshold=<value>
- 0 - Off/disabled
- background_colors-<item>={<r> <g> <b>}
- The colors for the gradient background. The actual RGB values are not used. The closest of the standard 64 colors are selected based on the RGB values.
- bitmap_animation=<value>
- The bitmap animation graphics mode. Valid values are:
- block_error_messages=<value>
- Controls the display of error messages.
- block_messages=<value>
- Controls the display of info messages.
- block_redraw=<value>
- Controls the graphics redraw. When the redraw operation is blocked, HyperWorks Desktop will not redraw unless the size of its window changes or it is de-iconified or maximized. When the redraw operation is unblocked, HyperWorks Desktop returns to normal.
- buffer_command_file=<value>
- Controls the command file buffering state.
- cadupdate_parameter_immediate=<value>
- 0 - When changing parameters associated to external CAD files, do not update the parameters back in the CAD system automatically
- cleanup_tolerance=<value>
- The geometry cleanup tolerance used for geometry creation and editing operations.
- clip_boundary_elements=<value>
- The boundary element display mode for hidden line, section cut and spherical clipping.
- ctrl_lmb_rmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for Ctrl key and left + right mouse button drag.
- ctrl_mmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for Ctrl key and middle mouse button drag.
- ctrl_rmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for Ctrl key and right mouse button drag.
- coincident_picking=<value>
- The state of coicident graphical picking.
- command_file_state=<value>
- The state of writing to the command file.
- contact_surface_peak_factor=<value>
- The factor for scaling the contact surface graphical height.
- contact_surface_percent=<value>
- The percent of the element size to use for scaling the contact surface graphical length and width.
- contour_type=<value>
- The result color mode.
- delete_discrete_topology_mode=<value>
- Select a remeshing method for revising modified discrete topology.
- delete_elements_mode=<value>
- The remesh setting for topology revision.
- detailed_elements=<value>
- The 3D visualization mode for 1D/2D elements.
- detailed_elements_beamvis=<value>
- The 3D visualization mode for 1D elements.
- detailed_elements_shellvis=<value>
- The 3D visualization mode for 2D elements.
- display_color-<item>=<value>
- The color for various objects. Valid values are 1-64. A value of 0 indicates to set the color of that object to the background color value.
- display_import_errors=<value>
- Defines whether the import process errors/warnings are displayed in a Tcl window in HyperWorks Desktop.
- domain_handle=<value>
- The display of domain handles.
- duplicate_ids=<value>
- Defines whether duplicate entity IDs are allowed for supported solvers.
- dynamic_center_of_rotation=<value>
- Dynamic center during model rotation. values are 1 or 0.
- edge_density_visible=<value>
- 0 - Disable the visualization of edge density values in the automesh panel
- edge_lod_threshold=<value>
- The zoom level required to make geometry lines visible, as an integer value from 0-10. 0 means geometry lines are always visible. Smaller values indicate minimal zoom is needed. Higher values mean more zoom is needed.
- edge_lod_width_auto=<value>
- Defines whether to enable edge LOD auto mode.
- element_color_mode=<value>
- The element color mode value:
- element_connectivity=<value>
- Select how newly created elements and any adjacent existing elements are connected.
- element_handle=<value>
- The display of element handles.
- element_internal_edges_mode=<value>
- The element internal edges visualization mode. This only applies to the two wireframe modes supported by *setdisplayattributes/*setmarkdisplayattributes.
- element_order=<value>
- The order of newly created elements.
- element_organization=<value>
- Select in which component the newly created elements are placed.
- element_size=<value>
- The default element size to use when calculating element densities in the auto-meshing module.
- element_window_selection_mode=<value>
- all - All nodes of an element must be inside the window to be selected
- entity_highlighting=<value>
- The mode for pre-highlighting selected entities.
- equation_handle=<value>
- The display of equation handles.
- exponential_display=<value>
- The display of floating-point numbers in the menu as standard or exponential.
- exponential_display=<value>
- The display of floating-point numbers in the menu as standard or exponential.
- feature_angle=<value>
- The feature angle used for mesh creation and editing operations.
- fe_display=<value>
- 0 - Turns off FE display without changing the state of components.
- feoutput_time_info=<value>
- Generates a text file containing export time info for FE entities. The file is written to the same directory as the exported file, with the name <export_file_name>_timing.txt.
- fixed_point_handle=<value>
- The display of fixed point handles.
- force_text_black=<value>
- The display of graphical text between black and white. By default, text in HyperWorks Desktop is displayed in white. However white text is not always legible, especially when users change the background color to a lighter color.
- geom_display=<value>
- 0 - Turns off geometry display without changing the state of components.
- geom_feature_angle=<value>
- The geometry feature angle used for geometry creation and editing operations.
- geom_point_size=<value>
- Sets the size of the geometry points, between 1 and 10 (default 4).
- geom_refine_level=<value>
- The refinement level for geometry graphical faceting. Valid values are 1-5 and 11 (which indicates auto refinement). Each level increases the refinement, but also uses more memory and takes more time to compute.
- geom_stitching=<value>
- The automatic stitching mode when creating surfaces. This applies to all surface creation commands.
- geometry_parasolid_boolean=<value>
- 0 - Boolean operations will use the legacy AFC (default)
- geometry_style_view_cube=<value>
- Geometry of the view cube.
- graph_plot=<value>
- Enable/disable drawing of plots:
- graphics_file_blank_background=<value>
- The graphics file image background color mode.
- graphics_optimize_view_control=<value>
- 0 - Do not remove graphical annotations and entities when you rotate, zoom (via the mouse wheel), or pan the model.
- graphics_simplification_component=<value>
- The graphics simplification component.
- graphics_simplification_mode={<mode> <style>}
- The graphics simplification mode. This produces smoother animation when rotating or panning a model by refraining from calculating and rendering some model elements until the model manipulation stops.
- hide_panels_automatically=<value>
- 0 - Do not hide panels automatically.
- highlight-<option>=<value>
- Sets various highlight options. The option modifier is
required and specifies a specific highlight type.
- edge_thickness - The thickness of feature edge higlight (default 2.0).
- face_alpha - A value between 0 and 1 (default 0.5)
- face_color - The RGB highlight face color (default #FEB317) .
- onoff - The transparent highlight, 0 (off, default) or 1 (on).
- history_memory_limit=<value>
- The amount of memory to allow for undo-redo.
- hv_launch_flag=<value>
- Controls the launching of HyperView after an H3D creation.
- legend_allow_background_transparency=<value>
- 0 - Do not allow
- legend_beyond_threshold=<value>
- The visualization for elements beyond the legend threshold.
- legend_colormap_divergent=<value>
- 0 - Disable legend divergent colormap style (use rainbow style)
- legend_ranged_discrete_button=<value>
- Controls the legend double button.
- lighting_mode=<value>
- The lighting mode.
- line_handle=<value>
- The display of line handles.
- lmb_rmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for left + right mouse button drag.
- load_base_size=<value>
- Change the base size of loads.
- load_handle=<value>
- The display of load handles.
- load_label-<config>=<value>
- The display of load labels.
- load_label_color=<value>
- The load label color. Valid values are 1-64. A value of 0 indicates to set the color to the background color value.
- load_max_size=<value>
- Change the maximum size of loads.
- load_min_size=<value>
- Change the minimum size of loads.
- load_new_scaling=<value>
- Set new scaling options
- load_scale_type=<value>
- Set scale type fixed or limits on load entities.
- load_size_magnitude-<config>=<value>
- The load display percentage when load_size_type is 1.
- load_size_type-<config>=<value>
- 0 - Uniform display
- load_size_uniform-<config>=<value>
- The load display size in model units when load_size_type is 0.
- load_solver_label=<value>
- The label type for elements and loads.
- load_visual_vector=<value>
- The location of the vector in relation to the attachment location.
- locate_view_cube=<value>
- The position of the view cube when show_view_cube=1 or show_view_cube=2. Valid values are:
- lod_threshold=<value>
- The zoom level required to make element handles visible, as an integer value from 0-10. 0 means element handles are always visible. Smaller values indicate minimal zoom is needed. Higher values mean more zoom is needed.
- mesh_line_color=<value>
- The mesh line color. Valid values are 1-64.
- mesh_lod_threshold=<value>
- The zoom level required to make element mesh lines visible, as an integer value from 0-10 (default 6.5). 0 means mesh lines are always visible. Smaller values indicate minimal zoom is needed. Higher values mean more zoom is needed.
- mesh_transparency=<value>
- The mesh transparency as a double value from 0-10. 0 means no transparency. Smaller values indicate minimal transparency. Higher values mean more transparency.
- method_xml_file=<value>
- The user defined StressToolMethodDefinition.xml file path to access the user defined design methods.
- mixed_property_warning=<value>
- The state of the mixed direct/indirect property assignment warning dialog.
- mmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for middle mouse button drag.
- morph_color-<option>=<value>
- Sets various morph color options. The option modifier is
required and specifies a specific morph color object.
- domain - The domain RGB color.
- face - The face RGB color.
- symmetry - The symmetry RGB color.
- volume - The morph volume RGB color.
- mouse_append_mode=<value>
- Always add to the current selection in idle mode without holding Ctrl.
- mouse_mapping=<value>
- Set current mouse controls.
- mouse_over_highlighting=<value>
- Highlight entities on mouse hover.
- nearby_output_entities=<types>
- Sets the nearby output entity types. Valid values are components, elements, equations, loads, systems and vectors.
- nearby_radius=<value>
- Sets the nearby search radius/tolerance.
- nearby_search_method=<value>
- Sets the nearby search method. Valid values are sphere and box.
- nearby_selected_operation=<value>
- Sets the nearby selection operation. Valid values are 0 (show) and 1 (isolate).
- nodelod=<value>
- 0 - Disable node level-of-detailing
- node_size=<value>
- Sets the size of the nodes, between 1 and 10 (default 6).
- node_tolerance=<value>
- The global node tolerance. Must be greater than cleanup_tolerance/100.
- num_history_steps=<value>
- The maximum number of undo-redo steps to store in memory.
- numeric_legend_force_ranged=<value>
- 0 - Discrete legend
- numeric_legend_threshold=<value>
- The threshold value for automatic switching from discrete to ranged.
- numeric_precision=<value>
- An integer to define the number of decimal places in numerical values.
- numeric_style=<value>
- The style of numerical values.
- number_remesh_layers=<value>
- Number of layers for advanced remesh.
- performance_normal=<value>
- The light setting, based on the direction of element normals.
- perspective_fov=<value>
- The perspective field of view.
- perspective_view=<value>
- The state of the perspective view.
- pick_tolerance=<value>
- The picking tolerance in pixels which the cursor must be within before an entity is selected.
- ply_link_color_and_orientation=<value>
- Auto update of colors based on ply orientation.
- ply_thickness_factor=<value>
- The ply thickness scale factor for composite layer visualization. This applies for show_composite_layers values 1 and 2.
- pr_auto_preserve_connections=<value>
- 1 - Preserve the internal connections.
- pr_box_approach_node_set=<value>
- 0 - Proximity approach will be used to find the replacement nodes to update the SETS of type NODES. (default).
- pr_check_log=<value>
- 0 - Do not allow the user to provide a file path to log replacement details. (default 0)
- pr_custom_bbox_for_equivalence=<value>
- Custom tolerance for bounding box can be provided for connecting the 1D elements from incoming file to source components
- pr_delete_src_comp=<value>
- 0 - Delete existing component.
- pr_invoke_model_checker=<value>
- 0 - Do not invoke a Model Checker browser (default).
- pr_keep_src_comp_cardimage=<value>
- 0 - Do not copy existing component card image to incoming component.
- pr_keep_src_comp_id=<value>
- 0 - Do not assign existing component ID to incoming component.
- pr_keep_src_comp_name=<value>
- 0 - Do not assign existing component Name to incoming component.
- pr_keep_src_ent_type=<value>
- 0 - Do not assign existing component element type to incoming component element type (default).
- pr_keep_src_include=<value>
- 0 - Organize incoming entities to new include.
- pr_keep_src_mat=<value>
- 0 - Do not assign existing component material to incoming component.
- pr_keep_src_prop=<value>
- 0 - Do not assign the existing component material/property to incoming component.
- pr_merge_nodes=<value>
- 0 - Do not merge the nodes present on the boundaries of incoming component (default).
- pr_prefix_basename_suffix_based_name_pairing=<value>
- Controls whether component pairing should be done using prefix-basename-suffix matching approach. Valid values are:
- pr_retain_plotel_elem_nodeIds_from_src_comp=<value>
- The node IDs of the source component can be retained if its nodes have comments.
- pr_show_component_pairing=<value>
- 0 - Do not show component pairing (default ).
- quick_topo_selection=<value>
- Controls holding the ALT key to enable quick advanced selection for faces and edges (elements) and by path (lines and nodes).
- realize_loads=<value>
- Realize loads to their engineering form at the time of model load.
- reflector_show_view_cube=<value>
- The visibility of the reflector's view cube.
- retain_element_values=<value>
- Keep/delete certain element values upon mesh edit or remesh.
- retain_loads=<value>
- Keep/delete loads when associated nodes/elements are deleted.
- reverse_zoom_direction=<value>
- Reverse scroll wheel direction.
- rmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for right mouse button drag.
- rotation_angle=<value>
- The rotation angle used by various view commands.
- rotation_center_mode=<value>
- The rotation mode.
- rotation_center_off_screen=<value>
- Defines if the rotation center is allowed to be off screen.
- rotator_show_view_cube=<value>
- The visibility of the rotator's view cube.
- scale_color=<value>
- The color of the modeling window model scale. Valid values are 1-64.
- scale_height=<value>
- The height of the modeling window model scale. Valid values are S (for small), M (for medium) and L (for large).
- scale_position=<value>
- The position of the modeling window model scale. Valid values are bottomleft, bottom, bottomright, centerleft, center, centerright, topleft, top, topright.
- scale_width=<value>
- The width of the modeling window model scale. Valid values are S (for small), M (for medium) and L (for large).
- shift_lmb_rmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for Shift key and left + right mouse button drag.
- shift_mmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for Shift key and middle mouse button drag.
- shift_rmb_binding=<value>
- Select action for Shift key and right mouse button drag.
- show_composite_layers=<value>
- The composite layers visualization mode.
- show_global_axes=<value>
- The global axes visualization mode.
- show_line_dir=<value>
- Displays symbols indicating geometry lines parametric direction.
- show_model_title=<value>
- Show the file path of the current model in the graphics area.
- show_newly_created_entities=<value>
- If new entities are created/updated in a collector that is hidden:
- show_plots=<value>
- Show plots when loading the model.
- show_scale=<value>
- The scale visualization mode.
- show_view_cube=<value>
- The visibility of the view cube. Valid values are:
- shrink_factor=<value>
- The element shrink factor, between 0 and 1.
- shrink_mode=<value>
- The state of the element shrink mode.
- snap_circle_center=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_global_xyz=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_line_end=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_line_line_intersect=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_line_middle=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_mesh_node=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_on=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_on_empty_space=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_on_tangent_extension=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_perp_from_line=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_perp_from_surf=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_perp_to_line=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_perp_to_surf=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_surf_center=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_surf_line_intersect=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_system_center=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_tangent_from_line=<value>
- 0 - Off
- snap_tangent_to_line=<value>
- 0 - Off
- solid_transparency=<value>
- The solid geometry transparency value 0-10.
- solid_edge_width=<value>
- The solid geometry edge width 1.0-10.0. 2.5 is the legacy value.
- solvermass_handle=<value>
- The display of solvermass handles.
- specular_intensity=<value>
- The specular intensity value.
- stereo_display=<value>
- The normal (2D) or stereo (3D) display mode.
- surface_edge_width=<value>
- The solid geometry edge width 1.0-10.0. 1.0 is the legacy value.
- surface_uv_lines=<value>
- The number of uv lines to draw on surfaces for *settopologydisplaytype 3. Must be between 0 and 20.
- system_size_uniform=<value>
- The size in model units in which systems will be drawn.
- tag_display=<value>
- The graphical display mode for tag entities.
- tag_text_display_mode=<value>
- The text display mode for tag entities. Valid values are:
- thick_1d_lines=<value>
- The state of 1D element line graphical thickness.
- thick_mesh_lines=<value>
- The state of mesh line graphical thickness.
- thickness_legend_colors={<color1> <color2> ... <colorN>}
- The colors for the thickness legend. A color can be specified for each row. Valid values are 1-64.
- thickness_legend_rows=<value>
- The number of rows for the thickness legend.
- thickness_legend_values={<value1> <value2> ... <valueN>}
- The values for the thickness legend. A value can be specified for each row. Values should be specified in order.
- topoedgecolor=<value>
- The FE topology and geometry topology edge colors:
- topoedgecolorauto=<value>
- The automatic topology edge color.
- topofacecolor=<value>
- The FE topology and geometry topology face colors:
To set the rotation angle to 10 degrees:
*setoption rotation_angle=10
*setoption background_colors-1={100 200 100}
*setoption background_colors-2={123 0 0}
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
# Handle error
Version History
2017.1 - Added new options anti_aliasing, edge_lod_threshold, edge_lod_width_auto, lighting_mode, specular_intensity and solidedge_width.
2019 - Added new options alt_lmb_rmb_binding, alt_mmb_binding, alt_rmb_binding, auto_cleanuptol, auto_elementsize, auto_nodetol, contact_surface_peak_factor, contact_surface_percent, ctrl_lmb_rmb_binding, ctrl_mmb_binding, ctrl_rmb_binding, delete_discrete_topology_mode, dynamic_center_of_rotation, element_connectivity, fe_display, geom_display, geom_point, hide_panels_automatically, legend_beyond_threshold, lmb_rmb_binding, load_max_size, load_min_size, load_new_scaling, load_scale_type, mmb_binding, mouse_append_mode, mouse_mapping, mouse_over_highlighting, node_size, number_remesh_layers, ply_link_color_and_orientation, pr_auto_preserve_connections, pr_box_approach_node_set, pr_check_log, pr_custom_bbox_for_equivalence, pr_delete_src_comp, pr_invoke_model_checker, pr_keep_src_comp_cardimage, pr_keep_src_comp_id, pr_keep_src_comp_name, pr_keep_src_ent_type, pr_keep_src_include, pr_keep_src_mat, pr_keep_src_prop, pr_merge_nodes, pr_retain_plotel_elem_nodeIds_from_src_comp, pr_show_component_pairing, reverse_zoom_direction, rmb_binding, shift_lmb_rmb_binding, shift_mmb_binding, shift_rmb_binding, show_model_title, show_plots, solid_edge_width, surface_edge_width, topoedgecolor, topofacecolor, topofacemodetopology_edge_display_color, topology_solid_edge_display_color and topology_solid_edge_display_mode. Added new delete_elements_mode value 4.
2019.1 - Added new options beam_lod_threshold, cadupdate_parameter_immediate, element_window_selection_mode, graphics_optimize_view_control, legend_allow_background_transparency, method_xml_file, numeric_legend_force_ranged, numeric_legend_threshold, snap_circle_center, snap_circle_center, snap_global_xyz, snap_line_end, snap_line_line_intersect, snap_line_middle, snap_on, snap_on_empty_space, snap_on_tangent_extension, snap_perp_from_line, snap_perp_from_surf, snap_perp_to_line, snap_perp_to_surf, snap_surf_center, snap_surf_line_intersect, snap_system_center, snap_tangent_from_line and snap_tangent_to_line.
2020 - Added new options edge_density_visible, highlight, graph_plot, legeng_ranged_discrete_button, morph_color, nearby_output_entities, nearby_radius, nearby_search_method, nearby_selected_operation, nodelod, quick_topo_selection, realize_loads, retain_element_values, show_newly_created_entities and snap_mesh_node. Added new element_color_mode values 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 23.
2020.1 - Added new options geometry_parasolid_boolean and pr_prefix_basename_suffix_based_name_pairing.
2021 - Added new options axis_drawn_view_cube , legend_colormap_divergent, locate_view_cube, numeric_precison, numeric_style, show_view_cube and solvermass_handle.
2021.1 - Added new options geometry_style_view_cube, reflector_show_view_cube, rotator_show_view_cube, topoedgecolorauto and topofacecolorauto. Removed value 1 for topoedgecolor and topofacecolor. Added new topoedgecolor value 4 and topofacecolor value 28.