LS-DYNA Input Interface KeywordDefines a nonlinear elasto-plastic discrete beam material with 6 degrees of freedom (DOFs). Different loading and unloading behavior can be specified.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
mat_ID ρ i KT KR H      
T_r T_s T_t R_r R_s R_t    
TU_r TU_s TU_t RU_r RU_s RU_t    
TD_r TD_s TD_t RD_r RD_s RD_t    
Blank Line
ufT_r ufT_s ufT_rt wfT_r wfT_s wfT_t    
ufC_r ufC_s ufC_rt wfC_r wfC_s wfC_t    
Blank Line


Field Contents SI Unit Example
mat_ID Material identifier


ρ i Initial density


[ kg m 3 ]
KT Stiffness for translational DOFs


[ N m ]
KR Stiffness for rotational DOFs


[ Nm rad ]
H Unloading spring hardening flag
= 0 (Default)
Elastic spring
= 1
Nonlinear unloading and isotropic hardening
= 2
Elastic hysteresis in unloading


T_r, T_s, T_t Curve identifier for force vs displacement loading curve in the r, s, and t directions.


R_r, R_s, R_t Curve identifier for moment vs rotation loading curve in the r, s, and t directions.


TU_r,TU_s¸ TU_T Curve identifier for force vs displacement unloading curve in the r, s, and t directions.


RU_r, RU_s, RU_t Curve identifier for moment vs rotation unloading in the r, s, and t directions


TD_r, TD_s, TD_t Curve identifier for force vs velocity damping curve in the r, s, and t directions


RD_r, RD_s, RD_t Curve identifier for moment vs rotational velocity damping curve in the r, s, and t directions


ufT_r,ufT_s, ufT_t Failure displacement in tension input as a positive value in the r, s, and t directions.


[ m ]
wfT_r, wfT_s, wfT_t Failure rotation in tension input as a positive value in the r, s, and t directions.


[ rad ]
ufC_r, ufC_s, ufC_t Failure displacement in compression input as a positive value in the r, s, and t directions.


[ m ]
wfC_r, wfC_s, wfC_t Failure rotation in compression input as a positive value in the r, s, and t directions.


[ rad ]


  1. This keyword maps to /MAT/LAW108 (SPR_GENE) with six degrees of freedom (DOF).
  2. DOF directions are defined by the coordinate system defined in *SECTION_BEAM. By default, the global coordinate system is used.
  3. This material is only used with discrete beams ELFORM = 6 and CA>0 in *SECTION_BEAM.
  4. Beam elements with zero initial length are recommended.
  5. The option “_TITLE” can be added to the end of this keyword. When “_TITLE” is included, an extra 80 character long line is added after the keyword input line which allows an entity title to be defined.