Bulk Data Entry On-the-fly incremental results of nonlinear implicit (static and transient) analysis.

Parameter Values Description
Incremental results of nonlinear implicit (static and transient) analysis, if requested by the Subcase Entry NLOUT, are written into the primary H3D file after the run is completed.
Additionally, a separate H3D file (*_impl.h3d) is output dynamically during runtime.
NO (Default)
Incremental results of nonlinear implicit (static and transient) analysis, if requested using the Subcase Entry NLOUT, are only written into the primary H3D file after the run is completed.
Only the *_impl.h3d file is output dynamically during runtime. The primary H3D file is not output.


  1. Results are output on-the-fly in the *_impl.h3d file, if:
    • PARAM,IMPLOUT,YES/ONLY is defined in the model in conjunction with NLOUT Subcase/Bulk Data Entries; or,
    • Results specific output on-the-fly is activated. For example: STRESS(NLOUT=<ID>).
  2. PARAM,IMPLOUT,YES is not required in the case result-specific NLOUT is selected directly from the corresponding results cards (for example, if STRESS(NLOUT=<ID>) is specified). In such cases, the _impl.h3d results file is output for any output which is identified with results specific NLOUT request.
  3. Generally, this parameter is applicable to small and large displacement nonlinear implicit (static and transient) analysis. For specific details on supported result types, refer to _impl.h3d file.