_impl.h3d file
A compressed binary file, containing both model and result data. It can be used to post-process results in HyperView or when using the HyperView Player.
File Creation
The _impl.h3d file is a general on-the-fly output file for nonlinear implicit (static and transient) analysis. This is output on-the-fly when NLOUT Bulk/Subcase pair is specified in conjunction with PARAM,IMPLOUT,YES or if NLOUT argument on specific I/O Entries is specified pointing to NLOUT Bulk Data.
- PARAM,IMPLOUT,YES/ONLY is defined in the model in conjunction with NLOUT Subcase/Bulk Data Entries.
- Results specific output on-the-fly is activated. For example: STRESS(NLOUT=<ID>).
File Contents
Result | Description |
Displacement | Displacement (translational and rotational) results from
nonlinear analysis. Output is controlled by the DISPLACEMENT I/O Option. |
Velocity | Velocity results from nonlinear analysis. Output is controlled by the VELOCITY I/O Option. |
Acceleration | Acceleration results from nonlinear analysis. Output is controlled by the ACCELERATION I/O Option. |
SPC Force and Moment | Single-point force of constraint results from nonlinear
analysis. Output is controlled by the SPCFORCE I/O Option. |
MPC Force and Moment | Multi-point force of constraint results from nonlinear
analysis. Output is controlled by the MPCFORCE I/O Option. |
Applied Force and Moment | Applied load vector results from nonlinear analysis.
Output is controlled by the OLOAD I/O Option. |
Grid Point Force and Moment | Grid point force balance results from nonlinear analysis. Output is controlled by the GPFORCE I/O Option. |
Strain | Strain results from nonlinear analysis. 2 Output is controlled by the STRAIN I/O Option. |
Stress | Stress results from nonlinear analysis. 2 Output is controlled by the STRESS / ELSTRESS I/O Option. |
Contact Results | Contact results from nonlinear analysis. 5 Output is controlled by the CONTF I/O Option. |
- Refer to PARAM, IMPLOUT and NLOUT for more information.
- Generally, on-the-fly output is applicable to small (SMDISP) and large displacement (LGDISP) nonlinear implicit (static and transient) analysis.
- The following table summarizes support
information for on-the-fly output of stress and strain results.
Output Location Type Supported Elements Stress Element Corner
N/A Available for: - 1st and 2nd order solid elements in both SMDISP and LGDISP analysis.
- 1st order shell elements in both SMDISP and LGDISP analysis, 2nd order shell elements only in SMDISP analysis.
- CBAR/CBEAM/JOINTG elements in SMDISP and LGDISP analysis.
Strain Element Corner
Thermal Plastic
Available for: - 1st and 2nd order solid elements in both SMDISP and LGDISP analysis.
- 1st order shell elements in both SMDISP and LGDISP analysis, 2nd order shell elements only in SMDISP analysis.
- CBAR/CBEAM/JOINTG elements in SMDISP and LGDISP analysis.
- If MATS1 is present, no elemental on-the-fly results are output for second order shell elements.
- Contact results are generally supported for both SMDISP, LGDISP analysis and for N2S and S2S contact.