.full.mat file
An OptiStruct ASCII format results file.
File Creation
This file is created when the OUTPUT,MATRIX,FULL,DENSE/SPARSE I/O Options Entry is used.
File Contents
- Output
- Description
- Full Stiffness Matrix
- Is output by default or if the DENSE option is selected. If SPARSE is selected, then the sparse matrix with all the zeros excluded, is printed in the <filename>.full.mat file.
- Full Mass Matrix
- Is output by default or if the DENSE option is selected, for dynamic analysis. If SPARSE is selected, then the sparse matrix with all the zeros excluded, is printed in the <filename>.full.mat file.
- Grid-to-DOF Mapping Matrix
- The full Grid-to-DOF mapping matrices are printed in the <filename>.full.mat file.
File Format
- Name
- Content
- Matrix Name
- Identifies the matrix name (STIFFNESS, MASS, or DOFS)
- ID
- Is always 0 for full matrix output (for the <filename>.full.mat file)
- Number Type
- Identifies whether the matrix elements are Integers (1), Real (2), or Complex (3) numbers
- Matrix Type
- Identifies the matrix type of Dense (1) or Sparse (3) matrix
- Matrix Size (mxn)
- Indicates the size of the matrix (m columns and n rows)
- Precision Information
- Fortran precision information
- Matrix Data
- Matrices are presented as a list of Columns with a range of row elements for each column ID.

Figure 1. Dense Matrix Example

Figure 2. Sparse Matrix Example