Bulk Data Entry Defines parameters for Nonlinear Static Analysis, Nonlinear Direct Transient Analysis, and Heat Transfer Analysis solution control.
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) |
NLPARM | 99 | 5 |
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
ID | Each NLPARM Bulk
Data card must have a unique ID. No default (Integer > 0) |
NINC | Number of implicit load
sub-increments. 2
Default = 1 (no increments) for ANALYSIS = NLSTAT and NLHEAT (Integer > 0) |
DT | Initial load increment. 4 No default (Real ≥ 0.0) |
MAXITER | Limit on number of implicit iterations
for each load increment. (ANALYSIS = NLSTAT
and NLHEAT). 6 Default = 25 (Integer > 0) |
CONV | Implicit convergence criteria flags.
3 Default = UPW for ANALYSIS = NLSTAT (Any combination of U, P and W) |
EPSU | Error tolerance for displacement
(U) criterion. 3 Default = 1.0E-3 for ANALYSIS = NLSTAT (Real > 0.0) |
EPSP | Error tolerance for load
(P) criterion. 3 Default = 1.0E-3 for ANALYSIS = NLSTAT and NLHEAT (Real > 0.0) |
EPSW | Error tolerance for work
(W) criterion. 3 Default = 1.0E-7 for ANALYSIS = NLSTAT, NLTRAN and NLHEAT (Real > 0.0) |
MAXLS | Setting MAXLS to a
positive integer value activates line search method. MAXLS
identifies the maximum number of line searches allowed for each iteration in Small
Displacement Nonlinear Static Analysis (NLSTAT). 7 Default = 0 (Integer > 0) |
LSTOL | Line search tolerance. Default = 1.0E-3 (Real > 0.0) |
TTERM | Termination time. 4
5 Default = 1.0 (Real ≥ 0.0) |
- The NLPARM Bulk Data Entry is selected by the Subcase Information command NLPARM=option. Each subcase for which nonlinear analysis is desired requires an NLPARM command.
- The solution method for quasi-static nonlinear analysis (ANALYSIS = NLSTAT) is full Newton. The stiffness matrix is updated at each iteration. NINC > 0 represents the number of equal subdivisions that the total load in a given subcase will be divided into. If NINC is blank, the entire load for a given subcase is applied at once. The Newton method will be applied to consecutive load levels until the final load is reached.
- U, P, and W are convergence criteria for nonlinear solutions. U is the Displacement-based convergence criterion, P is the Load-based convergence criterion, and W is the Work/Strain-based convergence criterion. For increased accuracy, all three convergence criteria are set together as the default for NLSTAT analysis. If one or more convergence criteria are excluded, the result accuracy may vary. For additional information regarding convergence criteria, see Nonlinear Convergence Criteria.
- The DT and TTERM fields allow for an alternate method (instead of NINC) to define the loading curve for Nonlinear Static Analysis. DT and TTERM, if specified together, override the value defined on the NINC field. The DLOAD Subcase Information Entry can be used in a NLSTAT subcase to reference the TLOAD1 Bulk Data Entry. This allows for the specification of a user-defined loading curve via the TID field on the TLOAD1 entry. The TID field references the Time (X) versus Load Scale Factors (Y) that scales the loading specified on the EXCITEID field. If DT is not specified, the default initial load increment is equal to TTERM/NINC. If DT, TTERM, and NINC are not specified, the default initial load increment is equal to 0.1 (that is, 1.0/10).
- TTERM on NLPARM is to be input based on subcase time (not total time). For instance, in a multiple subcase setup, if subcase 3 starts at 2.0 and you want it to end at 3.0, then TTERM for subcase 3 should be set to 1.0 (since it is based on subcase time).
- MAXITER is supported
- Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis (NLSTAT, DTRAN nonlinear)
- Small Displacement Nonlinear Analysis (NLSTAT, DTRAN nonlinear) with PARAM,EXPERTNL,NO
- Nonlinear Heat Transfer Analysis (NLHEAT, both steady-state and
When the number of iterations reaches MAXITER, then the run will be terminated for (b) and (c) above, but not for (a). For (a), MAXITER is respected, and the number of iterations is limited at MAXITER for a particular load increment.
For Small Displacement Nonlinear Analysis (NLSTAT, DTRAN nonlinear) with PARAM,EXPERTNL,AUTO/YES, the EXPERTNL solution may continue even after MAXITER is reached.
- When MAXLS=0, Line Search may still be activated by the “expert system” for small displacement Nonlinear Static analysis (NLSTAT). For more details, refer to PARAM, LSNLEXP.
- For details on how PARAM,EXPERTNL,AUTO/YES interacts with other nonlinear controls, refer to Nonlinear Static Analysis in the User Guide.
- Additional convergence criteria may be defined via NLADAPT Bulk Entry. Such convergence criteria, for instance, NLADAPT,ERRINF,MAX should be satisfied in addition to any criteria from NLPARM Bulk Data.
- This card is represented as a load collector in HyperMesh.