Unless otherwise specified, data names are accessible in level 3 only.
- activesuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set inactive, 0 otherwise.
- attributesmax
- The number of attributes owned by this entity.
- autoupdate
- Allows update of control points of the seatbelt segment, when true.
- belt_nbcomp
- The null beam component.
- belt1delemsize
- The length of 1D seatbelt elements.
- belttype
- The mesh type of the seatbelt entity.
- check_belt_nbcomp
- Option to create beam elements on belt components for edge-to-edge contact.
- check_edgetoedge
- Option to create edge-to-edge contacts between all seelcted/created beam components.
- check_struct_nbcomp
- Option to create beam elements on structural components for edge-to-edge contact.
- check_surftosurf
- Option to create contact between seatbelt components and selected structural components.
- check_wrap_nbcomp
- Option to create beam elements on wrao around components for edge-to-edge contact.
- childrentoseatbelt
- The IDs of the children seatbelt segments of the seatbelt system.
- color
- The 1-64 color of the entity.
- color_rgb
- The RGB color of the entity.
- commonnode
- The ID of the filled end node, used to check segment connectivity.
- comp1d
- The ID of the component used to fill all 1D elements of the seatbelt system.
- comp1d_first
- The ID of the start component of the seatbelt segment.
- comp1d_second
- The 1D of the end component of the seatbelt segment.
- comp2d
- The ID of the component used to fill all 2D shell elements of the seatbelt system.
- comp2d4n_first
- The ID of the 2D 4N start component of the seatbelt segment.
- comp2d4n_second
- The ID of the 2D 4N end component of the seatbelt segment.
- comps1d
- The ID of the 1D components of the seatbelt system.
- comps1d_count
- The number of 1D components in the seatbelt segment.
- comps4n
- The ID of the 2D 4N components of the seatbelt system.
- comps4n_count
- The number of 2D 4N components in the seatbelt segment.
- config
- The configuration of the entity.
- contact
- The IDs of the contacts in the seatbelt system.
- contact_edgetoedge
- The ID of the edge-to-edge contact between all selected/created beam components.
- contact_surftosurf
- The ID of the contact between seatbelt and selected structural components.
- contactcount
- The number of contacts in the seatbelt system.
- contacttemplate
- The IDs of the contact templates of all types.
- createsecondretractor
- Allows creation of a second retractor if true.
- cs_end_count
- The number of cross-sections at the end of the segment.
- cs_end_list
- The list of cross-sections at the end of the segment.
- cs_start_count
- The number of cross-sections at the start of the segment.
- cs_start_list
- The list of cross-sections at the start of the segment.
- definedentity
- True if the entity is defined, false otherwise.
- dummysets
- The IDs of the sets of the seatbelt system.
- dummyshellset
- The ID of the dummy shell set.
- dummysolidset
- The ID of the dummy solid set.
- elems1d
- The IDs of the 1D seatbelt elements.
- elems1d_rbody_id_f
- The first 1D rigid body element of the seatbelt segment.
- elems1d_rbody_id_l
- The last 1D truss element of the seatbelt segment.
- elems1d_truss_id_f
- The first 1D rigid body element of the seatbelt segment.
- elems1d_truss_id_l
- The last 1D rigid body element of the seatbelt segment.
- elems2d
- The IDs of the 2D seatbelt elements.
- elems2d_id_f
- The first 2D shell element of the seatbelt.
- elems2d_id_l
- The last 2D shell element of the seatbelt.
- elems2d4n_id_f
- The first 2D 4N shell element of the seatbelt.
- elems2d4n_id_l
- The last 2D 4N shell element of the seatbelt.
- elems4n
- The IDs of the 2D 4N seatbelt elements.
- endsets
- The IDs of the end sets of the seatbelt segment, used to create rigid links.
- endtype
- The end type of the seatbelt segment, which indicates if there is a rigid link or tria surface.
- existing_nbcomp
- The IDs of the existing beam components for edge-to-edge contact.
- extra_struc_comps
- The IDs of the extra components required for contact with seatbelt.
- from2dendlength
- The number of 2D seatbelt elements needed at the start of the seatbelt.
- fromendlength
- The length of 1D elements needed at the start of the seatbelt.
- fromendvector
- The end vector at the start of the seatbelt segment.
- gap
- The offset between the wrap components and the seatbelt.
- id
- The ID of the entity.
- include
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- includeid
- The ID of the include file the entity is organized in.
- internalid
- The ID of the entity.
- isendefault
- True if allowed to change the end vectors of the seatbelt, false otherwise.
- isseatbeltfirstinincludefile
- True if the seatbelt is the first include in the file and exports end of data if it is, false otherwise.
- meshelemsize
- The size of the 2D mesh elements.
- meshtype
- The type of the 2D mesh elements.
- middlevectors
- The array of middle vectors at the control points of the seatbelt segment.
- name
- The name of the entity.
- nodeslist
- The list of nodes to create the seatbelt.
- orientvectors_count
- The number of seatbelt orientation vectors.
- orientvectors_x
- The x components of the seatbelt orientation vectors.
- orientvectors_y
- The y components of the seatbelt orientation vectors.
- orientvectors_z
- The z components of the seatbelt orientation vectors.
- outputsuppressed
- Returns non-zero if the entity is set "do not export", 0 otherwise.
- parentseatbelt
- The parent seatbelt system of the seatbelt segment.
- penetrationcheck
- True if automatic penetration removal is enabled, false otherwise.
- penetrationcheck
- True if remesh/recreation is enabled, false otherwise.
- rows
- The number of 2D element rows in the seatbelt segment.
- seatbeltcontact
- True if contact creation is enabled, false otherwise.
- seatbeltdummymechanismlink
- True if the dummy and mechanism are linked with the seatbelt system, false otherwise.
- seatbelt_seg_f
- The first node of the seatbelt segment.
- seatbelt_seg_l
- The last node of the seatbelt segment.
- seatbeltcompcollector
- All components created for elements in the seatbelt system.
- seatbeltsystemnodes
- All nodes in the seatbelt system in the belt path order.
- seatbeltsystempointprefix
- The prefix for names of control points.
- solverkeyword
- The name of the solver keyword.
- struct_nbcomp
- The ID of the created null beam component for structural components.
- thickness
- The thickness of the seatbelt system.
- to2dendlength
- The number of 2D seatbelt elements needed at the end of the seatbelt.
- toendlength
- The length of 1D elements needed at the end of the seatbelt.
- toendvector
- The end vector at the end of the seatbelt segment.
- unit_system
- The unit system:
- updateonthefly
- True if allowed to make updates (e.g. changing belt type and node list) to the seatbelt segment, false otherwise.
- width
- The width of the seatbelt system.
- wrap_nbcomp
- The ID of the created beam component for wrap components.
Version History
2020.1 - Added new data name solverkeyword.
2021 - Added new data names belt_nbcomp, check_belt_nbcomp, check_edgetoedge, check_struct_nbcomp, check_surftosurf, check_wrap_nbcomp, contact_edgetoedge, contact_surftosurf, existing_nbcomp, extra_struc_comps, extra_struc_comps, struct_nbcomp and wrap_nbcomp.