Load Step: SFILM

In the SFILM dialog, define the *SFILM card on Abaqus surfaces (*SURFACE).

To open the dialog in the Load Step window, select SFILM from the tree and a load collector from the Load collector table.

You can use the Abaqus Contact Manager to create Abaqus surfaces.

Load Step: SFILM: Define Tab

In the Define tab, define the *SFILM card on Abaqus surfaces (*SURFACE).

注: There is no graphical display in HyperMesh for loads created on Abaqus SURFACEs. Therefore, when you review a load collector in the Step Manager, only loads created on individual entities are highlighted. For loads defined on SURFACE, the underlying SURFACE elements are highlighted.
This dialog contains a Surface menu containing a list of the existing Abaqus surfaces. It also has a table for data line input. The table contains the following columns:
表 1.
Column Description
Surface The name of the Abaqus surface. Surfaces are added and deleted in this column using → or ←, respectively.
Label The SFILM labels. The available labels are F and FNU.
Sink temp Reference sink temperature.
Fillm coef Reference film coefficient.
The SFILM option has the following buttons:
表 2.
Button Action
Review/Reset Surfaces Reviews the selected surface by highlighting them in the HyperMesh graphics. Right-click Review to clear the review selections.
Create/Edit Surface.. Opens a message with information about surface definition in HyperMesh.
Add the selected surface from the drop-down menu to the data line table on the right.
Delete the selected surface from the data line table.
Review/Reset Reviews the selected surface in the data line table. Right-click Review to clear the highlighted selections.
Update Updates the HyperMesh database with the data lines defined in the table. By default, HyperMesh does not create a display for loads defined with sets.

For tips on entering information and navigating in the Define tab, see Step Manager Tab Environment.

Load Step: SFILM: Delete Tab

In the Delete tab, delete *SFILM and other loads.

There are three deletion options:
表 3.
Option Description
All loads in current collector The Delete button deletes all the loads from the current load collector.
All 'SFILM' in current collector The Delete button deletes only *SFILM loads from the current load collector.
By selection The Pick Loads button opens the HyperMesh load selector panel. Pick the loads you want to delete and click proceed.

The corresponding Reset button resets the selected loads.

The Delete button deletes the selected loads.

Load Step: SFILM: Parameter Tab

In the Parameter tab, define optional parameters for the *SFILM card.

The supported parameters include: Amplitude, Film Amplitude, OP, and Region Type.

Click Update to activate the optional parameter selection in the HyperMesh database.