Step Manager Dialog Environment

Procedures used to navigate you through the Step Manager dialog.

  • When the Step Manager dialog is minimized or it is behind HyperMesh, restore it by clicking Step Manager in the Abaqus ユーティリティメニュー.
  • Double-click on a cell entry to open the corresponding editing window.
  • The first row contains a list of all initial condition (or model) load collectors. Double click on an Initial Condition name to open the corresponding dialog for defining initial condition loads.
  • Right-click on a table to display menu options. Examples of options are Display: all, Display: none, Display: reverse, Text review, Review Load collectors, Reset review, Review Options, Reorder, Export: all, and Export: none. The Text review and Review load collectors options work like the Text and Review buttons, respectively (see Abaqus Step Manager: Load Step Dialog). The Reset review option clears the highlighted selections.
  • Table columns can be resized by positioning the cursor along a column border, pressing the left or right mouse button, and dragging the border to a new position.
  • The Shift or Control key combined with a left-click can be used to select multiple items in a table.
  • To display bubble help, place the cursor over a button for a few moments.
  • Press Control and the left or right arrow key to move the cursor within the active cell. Use the left, right, up, and down arrows to change the active cell.
  • Right-click on the Review button to clear the highlighted selections.
  • If you create, update or delete steps, load collectors, output blocks, components, groups, properties, or entity sets from panels while the Step Manager is open, click Sync to update the Step Manager with the new changes.
  • In some fields in the Step Manager, you can access the Entity Browser, which is available via the (…) button. The Entity Browser makes it more convenient to view and sort long lists of components or other entities when selecting them for the field.

Entity Browser

Use the Entity Browser to easily sort and select an entity for a field on a dialog.

The Entity Browser is available through the … button and lists the entities of the relevant type for the selection.

The entities are listed in a tree view. To select an entity, highlight it in the list and click OK. Use the buttons on the dialog to sort the list to more easily view the choices when there are many entities in the list. The buttons perform the following actions:
表 1.
Button Action
Filter Type text in the adjacent field and click Filter to show only the entities with names that contain the text. You can use the wildcard character (*) to specify that the text can appear anywhere within the entity name. To clear the results and show all entities, right-click Filter.
Review Highlights the selected entity in the model.
Sort Lists the entities in alphabetical order. Click again to reverse the order.
OK Selects an entity for the field on the dialog.
Cancel Closes the Entity Browser without making a selection.