Load Step: Output Request

Use the Output requests option define output options for ODB, result (.fil) and data (.dat) file formats.

In HyperMesh, Abaqus output requests are organized into HyperMesh collectors called output blocks. When you select an output request file format from the tree, the output block table is displayed in the Load Step window.

The Output block: table contains a list of the output blocks with corresponding history status. You can create, edit, review, rename, reorder, and delete output blocks from this table.

The Output block: table contains the following columns:
表 1.
Column Description
Status The history status of the output block. If the status is on, the output block belongs to the current load step. This means, all parameter and data line information in the output block will be written under the current *STEP block. If the status is off, no parameters or data lines from the output block will be written under the current *STEP block.
Name The name of the output block. These names are for HyperMesh internal use only.
  • Click on an output block name to set it as the current output block in HyperMesh. All changes and additions to the parameters and data line will be for the selected output block.
  • The Output type: ステータスバー, below the output block table, shows all the output types present in the selected output block.
  • Right-click on the table to display menu options. The available options are Rename and Reorder.

See Step Manager Dialog Environment for tips on navigating through the dialogs.

The Output block table contains the following buttons:
表 2.
Button Action
New... Opens the Create Output block dialog in which you enter the name of the new output block. The Create button in this dialog creates the output block and adds it to the current load step.
Review Reviews the selected output block in a text window. All parameters and data lines associated with the selected output block are listed in the text window.
Delete Opens the HyperMesh Delete panel to delete output blocks. When you are finished, click return and the Output block table will be updated.