Load Step: RADIATE

In the RADIATE dialog, define the *RADIATE cards on individual elements or geometry (surfaces). You can also define the RADIATE on element sets.

To open this dialog in the Load Step window, select RADIATE from the tree and a load collector from the Load collector table.

Load Step: RADIATE: Define Tab

In the Define tab, define *RADIATE cards on individual elements or geometry (surfaces) as well as on element sets.

For Define RADIATE on:, the following options are available:
  • Elements or geometry
  • Element sets

The layout of the Define tab changes, based on your selection.

Define RADIATE On: Elements or Geometry

Use the Define RADIATE on: Elements or geometry option to define RADIATE on individual elements or geometric surfaces.

RADIATE loads created on elements have special graphical display in HyperMesh. Loads created on geometric entities like surfaces are automatically mapped to FEA mesh on export. You can also map them using the Map Loads on Geometry button.

The Define tab for Define RADIATE on: Elements or geometry has the following buttons:
表 1.
Button Action
Define from Pressures panel Opens the Pressures panel, from which you can create and update RADIATE. It only allows you to define the reference sink temperature.

To create a RADIATE on elements, go to the create subpanel, select elems using the switch, pick the desired elements from the HyperMesh graphics, click nodes, pick two or three nodes from a face of a selected element, input the magnitude (sink temperature), and click create.

To create a pressure on geometry, go to the create subpanel, select surfs using the switch, pick the desired geometry from the HyperMesh graphics, input the magnitude (sink temperature), and click create.
  • Loads created on geometric entities are automatically mapped to FEA mesh on export. You can also map them using the Map Loads on Geometry button.
  • You can also update an existing RADIATE from the update subpanel.
  • While you are in the Pressure panel, press the H key to view panel-specific help.
  • When you are finished creating or updating boundary conditions, click return and the Step Manager will be updated with the new loads.
Map Loads on Geometry Opens the HyperMesh Loads on Geom panel to map loads on geometry to FEA mesh entities.
Click the Map loads button to map all geometric loads in the current load collector to FEA entities.
  • You can also pick other load collectors by clicking the loadcols button and map loads in all of them together.
  • While you are in the Loads on Geom panel, press the H key to view panel-specific help.
  • When you are done, click return and the Step Manager will be updated with the new loads.

Define RADIATE On: Element Sets

Use the Define RADIATE on: Element sets option to define the radiation conditions on element sets. It is possible to apply RADIATE on element sets and components.

注: There is no graphical display in HyperMesh for loads created on sets. Therefore, when you review a load collector in the Step Manager, only loads created on individual entities are highlighted. For loads defined on sets, the underlying nodes or elements are highlighted.

This dialog contains a drop down menu containing a list of the existing element sets or components. There are two types of element sets in HyperMesh: components and entity sets. The Abaqus element sets that are linked to sectional property cards, such as *SOLID SECTION and *SHELL SECTION, become components in HyperMesh upon import. To differentiate between these two types, there is a divider line "- - - - -" in the element set list that pops up if you open up the extended entity selection ([…] – button). The elsets listed below the divider line are components.

The dialog also contains a table for data line input including the following columns:
表 2.
Column Description
Elset The name of the element sets. Element sets are added and deleted in this column using → or ←, respectively.
Label The labels of RADIATE load. The available labels are: R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, RPOS, and RNEG.
Ref temp The reference ambient temperature.
Emissivity Surface emissivity
Load Id The ID of the load collector.
The Define tab for Define RADIATE on: Element sets contains the following buttons:
表 3.
Button Action
Review Set Reviews the selected node sets by highlighting them in the HyperMesh graphics. Right-click Review to clear the review selections.
Create/Edit Set.. Opens the Entity Sets panel in HyperMesh. When you finish creating/editing the set, click return. The Step Manager is updated with the new set appearing in the element set list.
Display/Review from panel Opens the appropriate HyperMesh panel. Use the review button to expand the loads and constraints on the sets for visualization purposes.
Add the selected node set from the drop-down menu to the data line table on the right.
Delete the selected node set from the data line table.
Show Faces Used mainly to review the face identifiers of elements in the selected set. It creates a temporary skin of the selected elset, opens the Element Selector panel, from which you can select face elements from this skin. When you return from the element selector panel, the selected faces will display color-coded face identifier tags. In performance graphics, these tags are sometimes blocked by the solid mesh. You may need to rotate the model a little to view the tags.

Right-click Show faces to clear the face review.

Review Creates special review RADIATE loads in HyperMesh graphics for the selected set. Right-click Review to clear the special review loads and highlighting.
Update Updates the HyperMesh database with the data lines defined in the table. By default, HyperMesh does not create a display for loads defined with sets.

For tips on entering information and navigating in the Define tab, see Step Manager Tab Environment.

Load Step: RADIATE: Delete Tab

In the Delete tab, delete *RADIATE and other loads.

There are three deletion options:
表 4.
Option Description
All loads in current collector The Delete button deletes all the loads from the current load collector.
All 'Distributed loads' in current collector The Delete button deletes all distributed (*DLOAD, *RADIATE) loads from the current load collector.
By selection The Pick Loads button opens the HyperMesh load selector panel. Pick the loads you want to delete and click proceed.

The corresponding Reset button resets the selected loads.

The Delete button deletes the selected loads.

Load Step: RADIATE: Parameter Tab

In the Parameter tab, define optional parameters for the *RADIATE card.

The supported parameters include: Amplitude curve, OP, and Region Type.

Click Update to activate the optional parameter selection in the HyperMesh database.

Modify the Emissivity

Options for defining the emissivity for a RADIATE card created on individual elements or geometry.

By selection
The Pick loads button opens the HyperMesh Load Selector panel. Pick the RADIATE loads to which you want to assign emissivity, and click proceed.
The corresponding Reset button resets the selected loads.
The Update button assigns the value specified in the Emissivity: field to all selected RADIATE loads.
All RADIATE in current collector
The Update button assigns the value specified in the Emissivity: text box to all the RADIATE loads in the current load collector.

In a similar way, for shell elements, it is possible to change the element face (RPOS or RNEG) on which the RADIATE load is applied.