Node Based Surface: Optional Parameter Tab

Use the Optional Parameter tab to define optional parameters for the *SURFACE card.

The supported parameters are:
  • Standard.3D/2D template: Trim
  • Explicit template: Max ratio, Scale thickness, Region type, No offset and No thickness.

Click Update to activate the optional parameter selection in the HyperMesh database.

Surface Combine or Crop

Use the Surface Combine or Crop option to define the *SURFACE, COMBINE, or CROP.

The current version of Contact Manager does not have a Tcl/Tk dialog to define the surface combine or crop. Review by highlighting or color change also does not work for these types of surfaces in HyperMesh. Instead, it takes you to the corresponding Card Image panel for edit or review.

Click edit to go into the カードエディター to define all relevant keywords, parameters, and data lines. When you are finished, click return to go back to the Contact Manager.

Cutting Surface

Use the Cutting Surface option to define the *SURFACE, TYPE = CUTTING SURFACE.

The current version of Contact Manager does not have a .tcl/Tk dialog to define the cutting surface. Review by highlighting or color change also does not work for these types of surfaces in the graphic area. Instead, it takes you to the corresponding Card Image panel for edit or review.

Click edit to go into the カードエディター to define all relevant keywords, parameters, and data lines. When you are finished, click return to open the Contact Manager.