Sets the model to the top side view.
HyperMesh Tcl GUI Command
Sets the model to the top side view.
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Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
These provide an overview of all additions, updates, and changes to the HyperMesh APIs for each release.
Details on the core data that can be queried and manipulated.
This API allows external applications to link HyperMesh as a library and provides a limited set of functions and structures to access specific functionality.
FE input readers are C programs that read information from ASCII or binary finite element models files into the HyperMesh database.
Details on the HMASCII format and associated commands.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks Desktop scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
The functionality of the HyperMesh Tcl Modify Command commands are available through Tcl. Additionally, commands that allow you to extract information from the HyperWorks Desktop database, such as entity ID numbers on a mark, a list of assemblies, component names, elements per component, nodes per element, node values, and so forth. These are known as HyperMesh Tcl Query Command commands. They are used to query information from the database or template system.
Tcl/Tk scripts can be run in several ways.
Commands that operate on the HyperMesh GUI widgets.
Allows rotation of the model by manipulating a virtual sphere.
Displays the Collector panel for selecting a single collector/named entity.
Displays the HTML help for a specific book and topic.
Displays the Include panel for selecting a single include.
Displays the specified special panel.
Displays the View panel.
Displays the Vis panel.
Moves the selected location to the center of the modeling window.
Allows you to select a region to zoom into.
Clears the graphical marker created by hm_plotmarker.
Clear the error flag used to display messages.
Clears the graphical shape created by hm_plotshape.
Returns the display status of a collector.
Cleans up the panel marks, rejection marks and drawlist.
Removes one item from a popup menu.
Launches the Card Editor to edit a specific entity or mark of entities.
Launches the Tk control Card Editor to edit a text control card.
Enables a panel menu item.
Adds a previously removed item back to a popup menu.
Displays a custom error message in the status bar.
Exits HyperMesh.
Exits from a custom Tk panel.
Create FBD panel or bar plots.
Controls certain options and of the HyperMesh GUI framework.
Returns the position of the command window.
Returns the name of the current panel.
Returns the transformation matrix for the current view.
Provides a panel to define a direction/vector.
Get a filename using a HyperMesh panel.
Get a floating point value using a HyperMesh panel.
Returns the x, y, width and height of the modeling window.
Get an integer value using a HyperMesh panel.
Gets the number of a menu item.
This command returns the number of a menu item on a panel using a tag (string).
Queries the current load plot state.
Returns the x, y, width and height of the panel area.
Returns the IDs and names of menu bar items in the Connector panels.
Returns the position (top | bottom) of the panel area.
Provides a panel to define a plane.
Get a string value using a HyperMesh panel.
Returns the current selection number of a two-item toggle menu bar item.
Returns the x, y, width and height of a window.
Control the highlighting of a single entity collector.
Control the highlighting of a list of entities.
Control the highlighting of a mark of entities.
Turn on or off the message box for ID Manager messages.
Launches the HyperBeam GUI with a specified beam section loaded by default.
Returns the names of all panels available for the current user profile.
Determines if the specified panel name is a valid HyperMesh panel.
Performs a dynamic pan of the model.
Plot engineering loads with various options.
Creates a graphical marker.
Creates a graphical shape.
Posts a pop-up for a selected entity.
Posts a pop-up for a mark of entities.
Redraws the HyperMesh window.
Registers an entity sub-type filter for usage by *createmarkpanel or *createentitypanel.
Registers a script or command to a keyboard shortcut.
Specifies if markers and shapes should be redrawn when the associated entity is modified.
Renames a menu bar item (selector, entry field, etc); this command is used by user profiles to customize the user interface.
Allows rotation of the model by performing a dynamic rotation.
Performs a dynamic zoom of the model.
Returns either the normal or parallel screen vector.
Sets the position of the command window.
Use this command in conjunction with the creation of filters to add only entities of the stated type to the filter.
This customizes the Line Mesh panel, and is used in user profiles.
Use this command in Tcl procedures to show the user that HyperMesh is working.
Sets the height, in pixels, of the panel area for use with custom Tk panels.
Sets the position of the panel area.
Clears HyperMesh panels, and sets <procedure name> as a macro to be called.
This customizes the Systems panel, and is used in user profiles.
This command will set user profile options.
Toggles the state of the browser virtual collector show/hide, isolate and selector modes.
Unregisters an entity sub-type filter for usage by *createmarkpanel or *createentitypanel.
Displays a custom user message in the status bar.
Sets the model to the bottom side view.
Rotates the model counter-clockwise about an axis oriented perpendicular to the screen.
Clears a saved view.
Rotates the model clockwise about an axis oriented perpendicular to the screen.
Rotates the model down about an axis oriented horizontally across the screen.
Fits the model view into the modeling window.
Sets the model to the front side view.
Sets the model to the isometric view.
Rotates the model left about an axis oriented vertically across the screen.
Sets the model to the left side view.
Returns the list of saved views.
Returns the view to the previous view.
Converts an x,y,z model coordinate to a modeling window coordinate.
Sets the model to the rear side view.
Rotates the model 180 degrees about an axis oriented vertically across the screen.
Rotates the model right about an axis oriented vertically across the screen.
Sets the model to the right side view.
View all components in shaded mode with no feature or mesh lines.
View all components in shaded mode with feature lines.
View all components in shaded mode with mesh lines.
Sets the model to the top side view.
Converts an x,y,z graphic window coordinate to a modeling windowcoordinate.
Rotates the model up about an axis oriented horizontally across the screen.
View all components in wire frame mode.
Capture a rectangular area of the screen and save it to the clipboard.
Capture a rectangular area of the screen and save it to a file.
Returns the value of certain HyperMesh window settings.
Provides a limited interface to the HyperMesh window.
Zooms into the model.
Zooms out of the model.
Returns information about hmbr3 browser views and selections.
The list of deprecated Tcl GUI commands, and the new commands to use.
The list of undocumented Tcl GUI commands.
Commands that modify the HyperMesh database.
Commands that query the HyperMesh database.
Documentation on the commands that control the Utility menu
Solver templates are ASCII data files containing HyperMesh Template Language Commands and HyperMesh Template Language Functions.
The Script Exchange is a database of freely accessible scripts posted by users and Altair engineers.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks Desktop scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
Commands that operate on the HyperMesh GUI widgets.
Sets the model to the top side view.
Sets the model to the top side view.
HyperMesh Tcl GUI Command
Sets the model to the top side view.
(c) 2021. Altair Engineering Inc. All Rights Reserved.