
Add a new open ring to the geometry.

Inline mode usage:

  • openRing -h: Display a help message.
  • openRing -n name -p centerX centerY centerZ minorRadius majorRadius openingAngle openingDirection: Creates a new open ring.

Interactive mode usage:

The following steps will be needed in order to create a new open ring:

  1. Select center [x y z]: Center point of the ring.
  2. Minor radius [double]: Inner radius.
  3. Major radius [double]: Outer radius.
  4. Opening angle [degrees]: Angle, in degrees, that determines how large is the opening.
  5. Opening direction [degrees]: Angle, in degrees, that determines the direction the opening is facing in. An angle of zero degrees means that the opening is facing in the direction of the positive Y axis, and larger angles are interpreted as counter-clockwise rotations.

Remark The opening angle MUST be between 0 and 360.


Figure 1. openRing example