Modify Auto Contact Entities

Right-clicking on an item in the Auto Contact Browser displays a コンテキストメニュー which offers options for modifying the surfaces and contact pairs.

The following options are available in the Auto Contact browser's コンテキストメニュー:
表 1.
Option Description
Rename Rename an existing entry.
Delete Delete items from the browser.
Swap Master - Slave Switches the surfaces identified as master and slave. When selected, you will see the surfaces flip from the master/slave positions in the browser.

Select multiple entities by using the Control and Shift keys when clicking on entities.

Edit Faces Opens the elements selection panel where you can select and deselect the elements to include on the face of the surface. You can also manually edit the faces of the surfaces using this panel.
Add by Adjacent Adds adjacent elements to the selected surface.
Add by Face Adds all elements to a selected surface, until the feature angle exceeds the value. The feature angle can by set by clicking the Options icon.
Accept All/None Accept or reject all items in the Auto Contact browser.
Reverse Reverses the current selections in the Accept column.
Expand All/Collapse Expands or collapses folders in the Auto Contact Browser.