Block Format Keyword This property set is used to define the composite shell property set. It is possible to define composite with several layers and each layer with individual orthotropic direction.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
/PROP/TYPE10/prop_ID/unit_ID or /PROP/SH_COMP/prop_ID/unit_ID
Ishell Ismstr Ish3n Idril     P_thickfail    
hm hf hr dm dn
N Istrain Thick Ashear   Ithick Iplas  
VX VY VZ        
ϕ1 ϕ2 ϕ3 ϕ4 ϕ5
... ϕN


Field Contents SI Unit Example
prop_ID Property identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

unit_ID Unit Identifier.

(Integer, maximum 10 digits)

prop_title Property title.

(Character, maximum 100 characters)

Ishell Shell element formulation flag. 1
= 0
Use value in /DEF_SHELL.
= 1 Default, if /DEF_SHELL is not defined
Q4, visco-elastic hourglass modes orthogonal to deformation and rigid modes (Belytschko).
= 2
Q4, visco-elastic hourglass without orthogonality (Hallquist).
= 3
Q4, elasto-plastic hourglass with orthogonality.
= 4
Q4 with improved type 1 formulation (orthogonalization for warped elements).
= 12
QBAT shell formulation.
= 24
QEPH shell formulation.


Ismstr Shell small strain formulation flag. 2
= 0
Use value in /DEF_SHELL.
= 1
Small strain from time = 0 (formulation compatible with all other formulation flags).
= 2 Default, if /DEF_SHELL is not defined
Full geometric nonlinearities with possible small strain formulation activation in Radioss Engine (option /DT/SHELL/CST).
= 3
Old small strain formulation (only compatible with hourglass type 2).
= 4
Full geometric nonlinearities (in Radioss Engine, option /DT/SHELL/CST has no effect).


Ish3n 3 node shell element formulation flag.
= 0
Use value in /DEF_SHELL.
= 1
Standard triangle (C0).
= 2 Default, if /DEF_SHELL is not defined
Standard triangle (C0) with modification for large rotation.
= 30
= 31
DKT_S3, which based on DTK12 of BATOZ (refer to Element Library in the Theory Manual).


Idril Drilling degree of freedom stiffness flag. 7
= 0
Use value in /DEF_SHELL.
= 1
2 Default, if /DEF_SHELL is not defined.


P_thickfail Percentage of layers that must fail before the element is deleted. 10 11

0.0 P _ t h i c k f a i l 1.0 (Real)

hm Shell membrane hourglass coefficient.

Default = 0.01 (Real)

Default = 0.1 for hourglass type 3 (Ishell =3)

hf Shell out-of-plane hourglass.

Default = 0.01 (Real)

hr Shell rotation hourglass coefficient.

Default = 0.01 (Real)

Default = 0.1 for hourglass type 3 (Ishell =3)

dm Shell Membrane Damping.

Only active for Material Laws 25, 32 and 36.

Default =1.5% for Ishell =24 (QEPH)+LAW25,32 and 36

Default =5.0% for Ishell =1,2,3,4,12+LAW25

Default =0.0% for Ishell =1,2,3,4,12+LAW32 and 36


dn Shell numerical damping. 4

Only used for Ishell =12 and 24.

Default =1.5% for Ishell =24 (QEPH)

Default =0.1% for Ishell =12 (QBAT)

Default =0.01% for Ishell =30 (DKT18)


N Number of layers.

Layer thickness is equal to Thick/N with 0 ≤ N ≤ 100.

Default =1 (Integer)

Istrain Compute strains for post-processing flag.
= 0
Use value in /DEF_SHELL.
= 1 Default, if /DEF_SHELL is not defined
= 2


Thick Shell thickness.


[ m ]
Ashear Shear factor.

Default is Reissner value: 5/6 (Real)

Ithick Shell resultant stresses calculation flag. 5
= 0
Use value in /DEF_SHELL.
= 1
Thickness change is taken into account.
= 2 Default, if /DEF_SHELL is not defined
Thickness is constant.


Iplas Shell plane stress plasticity flag. 6

It is available for Material Laws 2, 22, 32, 36 and 43.

= 0
Use value in /DEF_SHELL.
= 1
Iterative projection with three Newton iterations.
= 2 Default, if /DEF_SHELL is not defined
Radial return.


VX X component for reference vector. 9

Default = 1.0 (Real)

VY Y component for reference vector.

Default = 0.0 (Real)

VZ Z component for reference vector.

Default = 0.0 (Real)

ϕ 1 Angle for layer 1.


[ deg ]
ϕ 2 Angle for layer 2.


[ deg ]
ϕ 3 Angle for layer 3.


[ deg ]
ϕ 4 Angle for layer 4.


[ deg ]
ϕ 5 Angle for layer 5.


[ deg ]
ϕ N Angle for layer N with 0 ≤ N ≤ 100 (5 angles per Line).


[ deg ]


Figure 1. 6 Layers with Different Material Direction (Fiber Direction)
unit for prop
#              MUNIT               LUNIT               TUNIT
                  kg                  mm                  ms
SH_COMP example
#   Ishell    Ismstr     Ish3n    Idrill
        12         0         0         0
#                 hm                  hf                  hr                  dm                  dn
                   0                   0                   0                  .1                  .1
#        N   Istrain               Thick              Ashear              Ithick     Iplas
         6         0                 1.8                   0                   1         1
#                 Vx                  Vy                  Vz
                   1                   0                   1
#              Phi_1               Phi_2               Phi_3               Phi_4               Phi_5
                 -60                 -30                   0                  30                  60


  1. Ishell, Ish3n – 4-node and 3-node shell formulation flag
    • Ishell =1,2,3,4 (Q4): original 4 node Radioss shell with hourglass perturbation stabilization.
    • Ishell = 24 (QEPH): formulation with hourglass physical stabilization for general use.
    • Ishell =12 (QBAT): modified BATOZ Q4γ24 shell with four Gauss integration points and reduced integration for in-plane shear. No hourglass control is needed for this shell.
    • Ish3n =30 (DKT18): BATOZ DKT18 thin shell with three Hammer integration points.
    • Flag Ishell =2 is incompatible with one integration point for shell element.
  2. Ismstr - Small strain formulation
    • Small strain formulation is activated from time t= 0, if Ismstr = 1 or 3. It may be used for a faster preliminary analysis, but the accuracy of the results is not ensured. Any shell for which Δ t< Δ t min can be switched to a small strain formulation by Radioss Engine option /DT/SHELL/CST, except if Ismstr = 4.
    • If Ismstr = 1 or 3, the strains and stresses which are given in material laws are engineering strains and stresses; otherwise they are true strains and stresses.
  3. hm, hf, and hr - Hourglass coefficients
    • hm, hf, and hr are only used for Q4 shells (Ishell =1,2,3,4). They must have a value between 0 and 0.05.
    • For Ishell =3, default values of hm and hr are 0.1 with larger values possible.
  4. dn - Shell numerical damping coefficient
    • dn is only used for Ishell =12, 24 and Ish3n = 30:
      • for Ishell =24 (QEPH) dn is used for hourglass stress calculation.
      • for Ishell =12 (QBAT) dn is used for all stress terms, except transvers shear
      • for Ish3n =30 (DKT18) dn is only used for membrane
  5. Ithick - Shell resultant stresses calculation flag
    • Flag Ithick is automatically set to 1 for /MAT/LAW32 (HILL).
    • If Ithick =1, the small strain option is automatically deactivated in the corresponding type of element.
  6. Iplas - Shell plane stress plasticity flag
    • It is recommended to use Iplas = 1, if Ithick = 1.
    • If Iplas=1, the small strain option is automatically deactivated in the corresponding type of element.
  7. Idril
    • Drilling DOF stiffness is recommended for implicit solutions especially for Riks method and bending dominated problems.
    • Idril is available for QEPH, QBAT (Ishell =12 and 24), and standard triangle (C0) shell elements (Ish3n = 1 and 2).
  8. Output for post-processing
  9. Orthotropy in local coordinate system
    • Orthotropic direction defined with global vector V (components defined in Line 6) and angle ϕ i (angle in degree) for each layer.
    • Projection of vector V on shell element plane becomes the vector V . Then for each layer, the orthotropic direction (direction 1) is vector V turn ϕ i degrees (turns positive direction coding to shell normal n ).

      Figure 2.
    • In case of reference metrics, the orientation for directions of anisotropy must be defined with the reference geometry, not the initial one.
    • Layers are overlying one by one from bottom to top.

      Figure 3.
  10. P_thickfail parameter is not compatible with failure defined within the material law itself, such as plastic failure strain in LAW36.
  11. Element deletion rules used with /FAIL models:
    • Under-integrated elements (Belytchko, QEPH, DKT18):
      • f more than one failure model is applied to the shell material, or P_thickfail=0 (blank), the value of P_thickfail is calculated individually from each failure model settings.
        Ifail_sh = 1
        One integration point failure sufficient to delete element.
        P_thickfail = 1.0 e-6
        Ifail_sh = 2
        All integration points failure is necessary to delete the element.
        P_thickfail = 1.0
      • If only one failure model is applied to the material, the P_thickfail value from the property is taken by default and overwrites local Ifail_sh settings from the failure model.
    • Fully integrated shells (Batoz, DKT_S3):
      • The rule described for under-integrated shells applies to each Gauss point separately. P_thickfail ratio is checked for all integration points in thickness for each in-plane Gauss point. The element is deleted only when all Gauss points reach P_thickfail ratio criteria.