
Block Format Keyword Keywords in this group are used to define how to select a group of node, part, elements, lines, or surfaces.

Groups Keywords Group Selection
Element/Part /GRBEAM Beam elements
/GRBRIC Brick elements
/GRNOD Nodes
/GRQUAD Quad elements
/GRSH3N 3-node shell elements
/GRSHEL 4-node shell elements
/GRSPRI Spring elements
/GRTRIA 3-node solid elements
/GRTRUS Truss elements
Boxes /BOX/BOX Box(es)
/BOX/CYLIN Cylinder type of box
/BOX/RECTA Rectangle type of box
/BOX/SPHER Sphere type of box
Lines /LINE/BOX or /LINE/BOX2 Lines which selected with box
/LINE/EDGE Lines which selected with edges of the surfaces.
/LINE/GRBEAM Lines which selected with group of beams.
/LINE/GRSPRI Lines which selected with group of springs.
/LINE/GRTRUS Lines which selected with group of trusses.
/LINE/LINE Lines which selected with lines.
/LINE/MAT Lines which selected with material.
/LINE/PART Lines which selected with part.
/LINE/PROP Lines which selected with property set.
/LINE/SEG Lines which selected with segments.
/LINE/SUBMODEL Lines which selected with submodel.
/LINE/SUBSET Lines which selected with subset.
/LINE/SURF Lines which selected with surface.
Surfaces /SURF/SEG Surfaces which selected with segments.
/SURF/SUBSET Surfaces which selected with shell subsets.
/SURF/SUBMODEL Surfaces which selected with submodel.
/SURF/PART Surfaces which selected with shell parts.
/SURF/ELLIPS Surfaces which selected with group of 3D elements.
/SURF/GRSHEL Surfaces which selected with group of shells.
/SURF/GRSH3N Surfaces which selected with group of 3-node shells.
/SURF/MAT Surfaces which selected with shell material.
/SURF/PROP Surfaces which selected with shell property.
/SURF/SURF or /SURF/DSURF Surfaces which selected with surfaces.
/SURF/BOX or /SURF/BOX2 Surfaces which selected with box.
Surfaces (geometry) /SURF/ELLIPS Surfaces which selected with hyper-ellipsoid geometry.
/SURF/MDELLIPS Surfaces which selected with Madymo ellipsoid.
/SURF/PLANE Surfaces which selected with infinite plane.