Utility Tool Set - コネクターブラウザ

This tool set, located at the bottom of the コネクターブラウザ, provides tools for output of a Master Connectors File, opening specific connector-related HyperMesh panels, or utilize specialized visualization options.

Exports the connector information to a Master Connectors File in XML format (*.xml). All the connectors in the browser or currently selected connectors can be exported.
Opens a temporary HyperMesh panel in which elements can be selected. Clicking the proceed button finds all the connectors that have the selected elements as their realized FE, and highlights them in the browser. This utility can be used to easily find connectors from their realized welds.
Imports mcf connectors.
Rerealize all of the connectors that have been modified in the Connector Entity Editor with their new settings.
Opens the Spotパネル Connector panel.
Opens the Boltパネル Connector panel.
Opens the Seamパネル Connector panel.
Opens the Areaパネル(Connectors) Connector panel.
Opens the Apply Massパネル Connector panel.
Opens the FE Absorbツール Connector GUI.