
In the Tie dialog, define the *TIE card.

The Tie dialog contains the following buttons:
表 1.
Button Action
OK Updates the HyperMesh database with the changes and closes the Tie dialog.
適用 Updates the HyperMesh database with the changes without closing the Tie dialog.
Cancel Closes the Tie dialog without updates.

Tie: Define Tab

In the Define tab, select slave surface and master surface for the *TIE card. You can also review the selected surfaces or create new ones.

The Define tab contains the following options:
表 2.
Option Description
Auto-generated surface from component Select this option for HyperMesh to automatically generate *SURFACE cards from a selected component.

When this option is selected, the Surface field becomes a Component field, and you can select a component from the adjacent drop-down list. Click Slave>> or Master>> to add them to the table of included surfaces as slave or master, respectively.

Select slave surface Select this option for HyperMesh to automatically generate *SURFACE cards from a selected component.

When this option is selected, the Surface field becomes a Component field, and you can select a component from the adjacent drop-down list. Click Slave>> or Master>> to add them to the table of included surfaces as slave or master, respectively.

Select master surface The Surface field contains a list of the existing surfaces. Select a slave surface from the list or use the … button to open the Entity Browser to select a surface.

Click Slave>> to add the surface as a slave to the table of selected surfaces. Click Master>> to add the surface as a master. Click Remove>> to remove any selected surface from the table. You can add multiple sets of surfaces to the table.

Click New to create a new surface. Once you have specified the surface properties, the surface appears in the drop-down list, where you can select it and add it to the table.

The Review button highlights the selected slave surface in white and displays it through solid mesh in performance graphics in the HyperMesh window. If the surface is defined with sets, the underlying elements are highlighted. Right-click on Review to clear the review selections.

If you create multiple pairs of ties, they will appear on the Interface tab in separate entries using the same name.

Tie: Parameter Tab

In the Parameter tab, define optional parameters for the *TIE card.

The supported parameters are: Position tolerance, Tied nset, Cyclic symmetry (standard only), Constraint ratio, No rotation, Adjust, No Thickness and Type. The Position tolerance and Tied nset are optional mutually exclusive parameters. Select None if you do not want to select either of them. See the Abaqus Online Documentation for detailed descriptions of these parameters.

The Parameter tab contains the following options:
表 3.
Option Description
Tied nset The Tied nset menu contains a list of existing node sets. You can select a node set from the list.
Review Set The Review Set button reviews the selected node set by highlighting it in the HyperMesh window.
Create/Edit Set The Create/Edit Set button opens the Entity Sets panel in HyperMesh. When you finish creating/editing the set, click return. The Tie window is updated with the new set displayed in node set list.