Material Table

The Materials Table is used to review and edit MAT1.

Review MAT1

From the Nastran ユーティリティメニュー, click Material Table.
All MAT1 in the model are displayed.

図 1.

Create MAT1

  1. From the Nastran ユーティリティメニュー, click Material Table.
  2. Click Create MAT1.
    The following dialog is displayed.

    図 2.
  3. Fill in the necessary fields.
  4. Click Create.
    The material is created and added to the Material Table.

Delete MAT1

  1. From the Nastran ユーティリティメニュー, click Material Table.
  2. Select the material to be deleted.
    Check Select all to select all materials.
  3. Check the small X box next to the checkbox to delete the material.
  4. Click Close.