Returns the number of columns in a 2D array attribute.
@attributearray2dcols (attribute)
HyperMesh Template Function
- attribute
- The name of the attribute (must start with '$').
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Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
These provide an overview of all additions, updates, and changes to the HyperMesh APIs for each release.
Details on the core data that can be queried and manipulated.
This API allows external applications to link HyperMesh as a library and provides a limited set of functions and structures to access specific functionality.
FE input readers are C programs that read information from ASCII or binary finite element models files into the HyperMesh database.
Details on the HMASCII format and associated commands.
This section contains details on general HyperWorks Desktop scripting concepts, along with documentation on the Tcl commands that can be used to query and modify the database and GUI.
Solver templates are ASCII data files containing HyperMesh Template Language Commands and HyperMesh Template Language Functions.
The HyperMesh Card Image panel is used to define solver specific data and review card information. The format of the cards and the menus in the panel are defined in the export template, using HyperMesh Card Preview Commands.
Trigonometric arc cosine of x, the result is expressed in radians between 0 and pp.
Returns 1 if the environment variable HM_ACTIVATE_NLGEOM_IMPDYN is set to YES.
Returns 1 if the allow duplicate IDs option is enabled via *allowduplicateids, 0 otherwise.
Trigonometric arc sine of x, the result is expressed in radians between -pp/2 and pp/2.
Trigonometric arc tangent of x, the result is expressed in radians between -pp/2 and pp/2.
Trigonometric arc tangent of x/y, with the result is expressed in radians between -pp and pp.
Returns the number of columns in a 2D array attribute.
Returns the number of rows in a 2D array attribute.
Returns the value of a 2D array attribute.
Returns the length of a 1D array attribute.
Returns the value of 1D array attribute.
Returns the internal ID of a 1D array attribute.
Returns the number of rows for a 2D array attribute on an entity.
Returns the number of rows for a 2D array attribute on an entity.
Returns the value of a 2D array attribute on an entity.
Returns the length of a 1D array attribute on an entity.
Returns the value of a 1D array attribute on an entity.
Returns the behavior of an attribute on an entity.
Returns the entity ID of an entity attribute on an entity.
Returns the entity type (number) of an entity attribute on an entity.
Returns the entity type (string) of an entity attribute on an entity.
Returns the identifier of an attribute on an entity.
Returns the solver of an attribute on an entity.
Returns the status of an attribute on an entity.
Returns the type of attribute on an entity.
Returns the value of an attribute on an entity.
Returns the number of times an entity is referenced by an attribute.
Returns the number of attributes on the current entity that belong to a solver.
Returns the status of the "auto create property" export option.
Checks for a file.
Returns the state of the "merge include" export option.
Returns 0 if HM_NODEELEMS_SET_COMPRESS_SKIP is passed via *feoutputwithdata.
Returns 1 if an attribute exists, 0 otherwise.
Trigonometric cosine of x, where x is expressed in radians.
Counts the entities in the database.
Returns the default status of an attribute.
Tests to see if a dictionary item or an attribute is defined.
Extracts individual degrees of freedom from an integer and returns the status.
Returns the number of elements of a specific configuration and type for a specific component being exported to an include file.
Returns the user-assigned entity type. The user-assigned entity type is set in the template.
Returns the number of entities in a collector.
Returns the maximum ID in use from a type of entity.
Returns the value of an enumeration.
Indicates if a pointer is pointing to an entity or if it is set to NULL.
Exponential of x.
Returns 0 if EXPORT_DMIG_LONGFORMAT is passed via *feoutputwithdata.
Returns the value of the "Export CORD2 and CORD4 in long format" export option.
Absolute value of x.
Retrieves the length of a 1D array attribute attached to a specific entity.
Retrieves the value of a 1D array attribute attached to a specific entity.
Returns the internal ID of a 1D array attribute attached to an entity.
Returns the value (active ID) of a 1D array attribute attached to an entity.
Returns the internal ID value of an attribute attached to a specific entity.
Returns the values of a triple cell in a table.
Returns the type of a cell in a table.
Returns the values of a bool, double, float, int, string, unsigned int, or entity ID cell in a table.
Retrieves the card image of a collector (such as PSHELL, Part, and so on).
Retrieves the name of a collector.
Returns the name of a collector by internal ID.
Returns the entity type ID of a column in a table.
Returns the label of a column in a table.
Returns the type ID of a column in a table.
Returns the value of an attribute on a Control Card.
Returns the export format type set using *setformattype().
Gets the type name of an entity from its index.
Returns the array value of an entity.
Returns the entity count of an entity array type data name.
Returns the entity type of an entity array type data name.
Retrieves the value of an entity.
Returns the value of an entity data name.
Returns the internal ID of an entity.
Returns the ID offset value for an input entity with ID pool number in a specified include file ID.
Returns the include file full name and path for a given include ID.
Returns the ID of an include file name.
Returns the referenced state of an include in the master file.
This command, used in feoutput and summary templates, returns an internal ID based on the pool number and solver ID of an entity. This command needs to be used in conjunction with the command @getentityvalue(), which returns the solver ID. You must know the pool number corresponding to an entity type of attribute.
Returns the next valid ID by checking IDs of other entities.
Returns solver ID based on entity type and internal ID of an entity. This needs to be used in feoutput and summary templates.
Returns the values of a triple cell in a table.
Returns the type of a cell in a table.
Returns the type of a cell in a table.
Returns the values of a bool, double, float, int, string, unsigned int, or entity ID cell in a table.
Returns the values of a bool, double, float, int, string, unsigned int, or entity ID cell in a table.
Returns the entity type ID of a column in a table.
Returns the label of a column in a table.
Returns the size (number of rows) of a column in a table.
Returns the size (number of rows) of a column in a table.
Returns the type ID of a column in a table.
Returns the type string of a column in a table.
Returns different total mass values of the model.
Returns the number of ICE dependent nodes for an independent node.
Returns ICE dependent node DOFs for an independent node.
Returns ICE dependent nodes for an independent node.
Returns 1 if RENUMBER is passed with the queried keyword via *feoutputwithdata.
Returns 1 if the load exists in the table containing merged loads for a loadstep created by *createmergedloadloadsteptable().
Natural logarithm.
Logarithm of x to the base 10.
Retrieves a value stored in a lookup table.
Returns the magnitude of a vector.
Returns the value of the "Export as named entity" export option.
Retrieves a value stored in the nth lookup table.
Returns 1 if the model is a part/instance model.
Returns the real value of X raised to the power Y.
Returns the number of ranges for the numbers used with *rangeadd().
Returns the ending range of a range of numbers.
Returns the starting range of a range of numbers.
Returns the value of the "Remove include file reference based on export status" export option.
Returns the status of the "repeat keyword titles" export option.
Trigonometric sine of x, where x is expressed in radians
Returns the square root of a number.
Compares two strings, and returns 1 if they are equal; otherwise, 0.
Retrieves a value stored in a string lookup table.
Splits the given string using the given continuation character.
Checks if a string starts with a numeric character.
Trigonometric tangent of x, where x is expressed in radians.
Retrieves a value stored in a vector lookup table.
Retrieves a component of the vector stored in a lookup table.
Retrieves a value stored in a vector lookup table.
Returns 0 if HMCOMMENTS_SKIP is passed via *feoutputwithdata.
Returns the contact export option value for Nastran (MSC).
Returns 0 if HMSOLVERFILEDNAMES_SKIP is passed via *feoutputwithdata.
Transforms a global vector into an elemental system and returns the x value of the transformation.
Transforms a global coordinate into a local system and returns the x value of the transformation.
Transforms a vector into a local system and returns the x value of the transformed vector.
Transforms a global vector into an elemental system and returns the y value of the transformation.
Transforms a global coordinate into a local system and returns the y value of the transformation.
Transforms a vector into a local system and returns the y value of the transformed vector
Transforms a global vector into an elemental system and returns the z value of the transformation.
Transforms a global coordinate into a local system and returns the z value of the transformation.
Transforms a vector into a local system and returns the z value of the transformed vector.
The list of undocumented solver template functions.
The Script Exchange is a database of freely accessible scripts posted by users and Altair engineers.
Solver templates are ASCII data files containing HyperMesh Template Language Commands and HyperMesh Template Language Functions.
Overview of external readers and the Altair Binary Format, the generic ASCII reader, running HyperWorks in batch mode, using Tcl/Tk commands, translators, and result math.
Returns the number of columns in a 2D array attribute.
Returns the number of columns in a 2D array attribute.
@attributearray2dcols (attribute)
HyperMesh Template Function
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