Airbag Fabric Porosity

Porosity of airbag material is modeled by the addition of a porosity card /LEAK/MAT to /MAT/LAW58 card.

Generic /TYPE7 and TYPE11 contacts between airbag and housing (kg, mm, ms)
Altair test fabric law58
#        Init. dens.          Ref. dens.
                8E-7                   0
#                 E1                  B1                  E2                  B2                FLEX
               0.380                   0               0.380                   0                 1.0
#                 G0                  GT              AlphaT                                  Sensor
              0.0035              0.0055               7.175                                       1
#                 Df                  Ds               Gfrot                              ZeroStress
                   0                   0                   0                                       1
#       N1        N2                  S1                  S2
         1         1                   0                   0
#    Dir 1
       500                1.00
#    Dir 2
       501                1.00
#    Dir12
       502                1.00
#  FCT_ID4   FCT_ID5             Fscale4             Fscale5   FCT_ID6             Fscale6
       600       600                   1                   1       502                   1
#    Ileak             AscaleT             AscaleP
#                AC' fct_IDAC’
#                 LC                  AC
             1.0e-03             1.0e-03 

The /LEAK/MAT specifies how the effective porous area of a component having this material will vary as a function time or pressure. It is determined by the value of Ileakage.

Ileakage =1:(1)
A e f f = n L C A C A r e a n
Ileakage =2:(2)
A e f f = n LC ( t ) AC ( P ) A r e a n
Ileakage =3:(3)
A e f f = n LC ( t ) AC ( P P e x t ) A r e a n
Ileakage =4:(4)
A e f f = n LC ( A r e a n / A r e a 0 ) AC ( P e x t / P ) A r e a n
Ileakage =5:(5)
A e f f = n A r e a 0 L 2 [ ( C 1 Δ P C 2 C 3 ) ( L R ) 2 + C 3 ( L λ 1 R / λ 2 ) ( L λ 2 R / λ 1 ) ] sin α 12

Δ P = P / P e x t 1

Where, λ 1 and λ 2 are the stretches in warp and weft directions and α 12 is the angle between warp and weft directions.

Ileakage =6:(6)
A e f f = n A r e a 0 ( X 0 + X 1 r s + X 2 r p + X 3 r s r p )

with r s = A r e a n / A r e a 0 and r p = P e x t / P .

Parts with this material are considered porous, when referenced via a surface ID using the /MONVOL/FVMBAG1 surf_IDps option.

Example of porosity definition in /MONVOL/FVMBAG1.
#     Isur
#             Scal_T              Scal_P              Scal_S              Scal_A              Scal_D
                   0                   0                   0                   0                   0
#   Mat_ID                            Mu                Pext                Tphi     Iequi        Ittf
         4                           0.1          0.00010135                   0         0           3
#     Njet
#   Inj_ID   Isensor surf_IDinj     
        10         1           100
#    Nvent       Nps
         0         1
#Sur_id_ps  Iform_ps
         4         1
#             Tstart               Tstop               dPdef              DtPdef             ldtpdef   
The mass flow though the porous material is defined using /MONVOL/FVMBAG1 Iformps and has the following formulations:
  • Iformps = 1 m ˙ out = A eff 2 P ρ Q 1 γ γ γ 1 [ 1 Q γ 1 γ ] (Isentropic - Wang Nefske)
  • Iformps = 2 m ˙ out = A eff ρ v ( P P ext )

    Where, v is the outflow gas velocity (Chemkin)

  • Iformps = 3 m ˙ out = A eff 2 ρ ( P P ext ) (Graefe)
The Iformps =2 option is normally used to represent fabric porosity. The outflow gas velocity as function of airbag overpressure comes from test data.

Figure 1. Porous Fabric (Yellow) is Separated from Permeable Seam (Red) by Blue Non-Vent Component