Multibody Collectors Panel

Use the Multibody Collectors panel to generate new multibody collectors.

Location: Collectors toolbar

Multibodies are jointed bodies made up of multiple parts, and are often used to simulate crash test dummies and similar objects during crash analysis.

Create Subpanel

Option Action
multibody name = Specify a load collector name.
color Select a color for the entity.
card image / no card image / same as
Select a card image.
card image
Select a card image.
no card image
Do not use a card image.
same as
Select a collector that already uses the desired card image.
center of gravity: N1 Select a node in the model to specify the multibody collector's center of gravity.
duplicate this system / use this system / use body's local system Select a method for assigning a coordinate system to the multibody collector.
duplicate this system
Create a duplicate of an existing system that you select, and assign the duplicate to the new multibody collector.
use this system
Assign an existing system that you select to the new multibody collector.
use body's local system
Use each body's pre-assigned local system.

Update Subpanel

Option Action
multibodies Select the multibodies to modify.
color Select a color for the entity.
card image = / no card image / same as
Select a card image.
card image
Select a card image.
no card image
Do not use a card image.
same as
Select a collector that already uses the desired card image.
center of gravity: N1 Select a node in the model to specify the multibody collector's center of gravity.
duplicate this system / use this system / use body's local system Select a method for assigning a coordinate system to the multibody collector.
duplicate this system
Create a duplicate of an existing system that you select, and assign the duplicate to the new multibody collector.
use this system
Assign an existing system that you select to the new multibody collector.
use body's local system
Use each body's pre-assigned local system.

Command Buttons

Button Action
create Create the new collector.
create/edit Create the new collector and open its associated card image in edit mode.
update Update the selected collectors to use the current input settings.
update/edit Update the selected collectors to use the current input settings, then open their associated card image in edit mode.
reset Reset the selected collectors to their previous input values.
return Exit the panel.