
An FMU (.fmu) is a zipped package that could contain the binaries and resources needed to solve the model that it represents along with a model description (.xml) file.

An FMU could be of the type Model Exchange (ME) or Co-simulation (CS) or both. An ME FMU contains the necessary states and variables that could be solved by the calling solver. A CS FMU can contain its own solver or calls another solver. In this case, two solvers co-simulate (one calling solver and other solving the FMU) to solve the entire model. An FMU may contain both modes ME and CS. In this case, the Type attribute in the FMU panel will be editable and you can select the mode in which the FMU is solved.

Check FMU will run the FMU through the FMU compliance checker as provided by the FMI standard. Along with the information about the contents of the FMU, the checker verifies the validity of the information and try to execute the FMU. Warnings or Errors are posted in the resulting dialog.
Note: MotionView runs the Check FMU on the model containing an FMU during a Check Model|Export Solver Deck|Run simulation and may flag an error or warning.

Figure 1. FMU Compliance Check Log from Check FMU

See the following for additional information:

MV-7012: Functional Mockup Unit (FMU) in MotionView and MotionSolve

Control: FMU > XML Format

ARYVAL (MotionSolve Function)

*FMU() (MotionView > MDL Statement)