New Keywords in 2021
New and modified features in Radioss.
- /ALE/GRID/LAPLACIAN and /ALE/GRID/VOLUME - Added new ALE grid control options
- /BCS/CYCLIC - Added new cyclic boundary condition
- /CHECK/RFILE/OFF - Added option to stop the Starter after model check
- /FAIL/GURSON - Added new non-local regularization method
- /FAIL/MULLINS_OR - Added new failure model based on Mullins, Ogden and Roxburgh model
- /INIMAP1D/FILE - Map 1D velocities and thermodynamic values into 2D or 3D space
- /INIMAP2D/FILE - Map 2D velocity and thermodynamic values into a 3D axi-symmetric space
- /INISHE/STRA_F/GLOB or /INISH3/STRA_F/GLOB - Initialization strain for shell elements in the global coordinate system
- /MAT/LAW101 - Added new elastic-viscous-plastic model for polymer materials
- /MAT/LAW104 (JOHNS_VOCE_DRUCKER) - Added new elastic-plastic material law for high tensile strength steel and damage model
- /MAT/LAW108 (SPR_GENE) - Spring material works with six independent modes of deformation and accounts for nonlinear stiffness, damping and different unloading
- /MAT/LAW109 - New tabulated elasto-plastic material with strain rate and temperature dependency, linear and logarithmic strain rate interpolation
- /MAT/LAW110 (VEGTER) - New material with Corus-Vegter material formulation
- /MAT/LAW111 - Marlow hyper-elastic material
- /MAT/LAW112 (PAPER or XIA) - Material law based on Xia formulation to model corrugated paperboard and paper
- /MAT/LAW113 (SPR_BEAM) - Beam type spring material works as a beam element with six independent modes of deformation
- /MAT/LAW115 (DESHFLECK) - Material law to model aluminum foam based on the Deshpande and Fleck formulation
- /MAT/LAW116 - Material with elasto-plastic behavior, rate dependent and energy or elongation failure model
- /MONVOL/FVMBAG2 - Added new Simpler Finite Volume airbag input
- /PERTURB/PART/SOLID - Apply a random noise scale factor to solid density of each element in a part group
- /SET/GENERAL - Added new general set
- /TRANSFORM/POSITION - Transformation by 6 points
- /DEF_SOLID - Removed Istrain, added Icpre, new options for Iframe, and Ismstr
- /FAIL/FABRIC and /FAIL/HASHIN - Default value change
- /FRAME/FIX - Support for a local unit system
- /INIMAP1D and /INIMAP2D - New support for Volume Fractions
- /INTER/TYPE7 - Added new option ITIED to tie secondary nodes to main nodes when the interface timestep drops
- /INTER/TYPE21 - Added new option for the thermal conduction and radiation in the contact interface for forming application Fcond and Dcond
- /INTER/TYPE24 - Added Nitsche’s method contact stiffness options added to Istf
- /INTER/TYPE25 - Added Edge to Edge contact options, Iedge and Edge_angle
- /MAT/LAW11 (BOUND) - Unit system compatibility
- /MAT/LAW44 (COWPER) - can be assigned to beam element /PROP/TYPE3, /PROP/TYPE18 and truss element /PROP/TRUSS
- /MONVOL/FVMBAG1 - Added new tetrahedron mesher when using kmesh = 12 or 14
- /MONVOL/PRES - New pressure function options Itypefun
- /PROP/TYPE6 (SOL_ORTH), /PROP/TYPE14 (SOLID) , /PROP/TYPE20 (TSHELL), /PROP/TYPE21 (TSH_ORTH) and /PROP/TYPE22 (TSH_COMP) - Removed Istrain, new options for Icpre, Iframe, and Ismstr
- /SENSOR/DIST_SURF - New sensor based on distance between a node and a plane
- /SENSOR/HIC - New sensor based on Head Injury Criteria (HIC)
- /SPRING - Added option to input local coordindate system for each element for /PROP/TYPE23 and /MAT/LAW108
- /DYNAIN/DT - Define time output frequency and parts to be written to the state file
- /DYNAIN/SHELL/STRAIN/FULL - Describes the strain state for shell
- /DYNAIN/SHELL/STRESS/FULL - Describes the stress state for shell
- /H3D/SOLID/TENS/STRAIN_ENG - New engineering total strain tensor output for solid elements
- /H3D/SHELL/TENS/STRAIN_ENG - New engineering total strain tensor output for shell elements
- /H3D/SOLID/TENS/STRAIN/OUTER - New output strain tensor on the external skin of the solid part
- /H3D/SOLID/TENS/STRESS/OUTER - New output stress tensor on the external skin of the solid part
- /H3D/SOLID/FLDZ/OUTER - FLD failure zone factor are extended to the outer surface of the thick-shell and solid element
- /H3D/SOLID/FLDF/OUTER - FLD damage factor indicator are extended to the outer surface of the thick-shell and solid element
- /STATE/INIMAP1D/Keyword3 and /STATE/INIMAP2D/Keyword3 - State file with mapping data
- /STATE/SHELL/STRAIN/GLOBFULL - Strain state for shell in global coordinate system
- /STATE/SHELL/STRESS/GLOBFULL - Stress state for shell in global coordinate system
- Added a list of new supported keywords and options