Saving the CADFEKO Model
Save the CADFEKO model to a .cfx file by searching and navigating the documentation.
Search for saveas in the integrated help.
The results returned in response to the saveas query includes SaveAs (method).
Double-click SaveAs (method).
The Choose Topic dialog is displayed.
- Double-click Application on the Choose Topic dialog (CADFEKO relevant section).
View the :SaveAs(filename) method.
Figure 1. A snippet of the CADFEKO application object which shows the :SaveAs method. -
Save the model using the following syntax:
Note: Use the existing handle, app, for the CADFEKO application.The .cfx file is saved as patch_antenna_scripted_model.cfx in the same folder where the .lua file is located.
Tip: The “[[” and “]]” indicates to the Lua parser that patch_antenna_scripted_model.cfx is used as is and that it is not an object with the property .cfx.