Viewer XDB Build Mode
The second mode allows you to include a surface or transient sweep in the extract file.
View new features for AcuSolve 2021.
AcuSolve is a leading general purpose CFD solver that is capable of solving the most demanding industrial and scientific applications.
Discover AcuSolve functionality with interactive tutorials.
Introduction of background knowledge regarding flow physics and CFD as well as detailed information about the use of AcuSolve and what specific options do.
Collection of AcuSolve simulation cases for which results are compared against analytical or experimental results to demonstrate the accuracy of AcuSolve results.
AcuSolve command descriptions and corresponding examples.
AcuSolve utility programs covering preparatory and post-processing as well as user-defined functions and utility scripts.
Customization of AcuSolve allowing you to customize certain capabilities of the solver.
Instruction of the mesh generation capability in AcuConsole, a GUI based pre-processor for AcuSolve.
Customization of AcuConsole allowing you to improve your particular workflow.
Commands of AcuTrace, a particle tracer that runs as a post-processor to or a co-processor with AcuSolve.
Instructions to define additional solution quantities of AcuTrace called user equations.
Usage of AcuFieldView, an OEM version of Intelligent Light’s FieldView post-processing software.
A unified graphical user interface (GUI) is used for all platforms that are supported by AcuFieldView.
The main menu bar is located at the top of the interface and provides access to all other panels of the interface.
The File menu provides access to most file input and output operations including reading data, saving images and saving/reading restarts.
The Edit menu manages functions and controls scalar colormaps.
The View menu provides access to viewing, transforming and rendering controls. The menu also gives you options to adjust the views in AcuFieldView in many different ways.
Access panels from the Visualization Panels menu.
The Tools menu contains features that allow you to export surface and object information, unify the display characteristics of all surfaces of a given type, create AcuFieldView structured boundary files based on the grid file read in, define custom colors with the Color Mixer, and use preset graphics layout sizes for images and animations.
This feature makes the task of sweeping many surfaces at the same time easier. An additional benefit is that animations of multiple swept surfaces can be created with a single mouse button click.
The first mode is a typical Viewer XDB export, which adds every graphical object that is created and presently visible in the modeling window to the extract file.
The second mode allows you to include a surface or transient sweep in the extract file.
The Execute FVX File action will read and execute an AcuFieldView Extension language (FVX) program.
The Convert Script to FVX tool allows an AcuFieldView script to be read-in and the corresponding AcuFieldView Extension language (FVX) version to be created, in one step.
Some FVX utilities are provided with AcuFieldView. These utilities are placed in the fvx_and_restarts subdirectory of the standard installation.
The Execute Python File action reads and executes a Python program.
The Dataset Sampling feature is based on the dataset comparison methodology in which the function calculator is used to create formulas which span datasets. An underlying requirement which makes this possible is that the grids for the datasets being compared are identical.
The Export action causes the information from the current surface or rake of only the current dataset to be output to a file.
Unify is used to make the display style of all surfaces of a particular type, such as computational, iso and coordinate, the same. This applies to all surfaces/rakes of the current dataset only.
This tool and the following provide a means to automatically create two different types of structured boundary files. A .fvbnd file is generated for the current dataset.
This tool creates a file named gridfilename.fvbnd with a boundary type "walls" for all no slip walls, and creates boundary types wall-grid# per grid.
Use the Dataset panel to select a dataset to transform by scaling, rotation and/or translation. This panel also allows for Mirror and Rotate duplication of the selected dataset.
Regions are sub-volumes of datasets. Regions are a hierarchical level in AcuFieldView below dataset but above grids, surfaces and rakes.
This panel controls various visualization aspects of the Intelligent Light Atoms and Objects and will not be used by the majority of AcuFieldView users.
Use the Integration Controls panel to perform numerical integration on certain visualization entities that you create.
If a transient (time-dependent) dataset has been read, the Transient Data Controls panel is enabled. This panel allows for sweeping the current display through time, or specifying a specific time at which the data should be shown.
Keyframe animation allows for more complete control of the animation process.
Use the Color Mixer to change eight of the 10 colors that AcuFieldView uses for geometric and background colors.
This menu provides a way of easily setting the graphics layout sizes for use during Flipbook and Keyframe animation creation.
The Dynamic Clipping feature allows you to visually "clip" (threshold) all of the current graphical objects, such as coordinate planes, boundary surfaces, streamlines and iso-surfaces. This feature is available for use both interactively in AcuFieldView as well as functionally through numerical specification in a user defined FVX script.
The Flipbook Build Mode tool creates a flipbook animation from the entire contents of the modeling window including multi-window layouts (graphics), the current window only (window) or the plot window.
Toolbars contain groups of icons used to perform the most common tasks.
The AcuFieldView modeling window can be split into more than one window.
When multiple windows are present, it is sometimes useful to maximize one window temporarily.
The mouse controls available on the Viewer toolbar allow you to easily manipulate the view of your data.
AcuSolve results can be loaded into AcuFieldView using two different methods.
AcuFieldView has several switches, or command line arguments, that control various aspects of program operation.
Environment variables can give you greater control over how AcuFieldView works following a standard installation.
Probing operations in AcuFieldView are designed to balance memory requirements against overall performance.
The actual swap (or paging) space needed to process your data generally depends on the size of the dataset.
AcuFieldView allows multi-process operation in addition to the standard (single process) method of using AcuFieldView.
AcuFieldView can run in parallel using up to eight cores in addition to the node AcuFieldView is run on.
Use the Quick Pick feature to quickly navigate through surface and rake panels.
Quick Pick enables you to delete individual streamlines from the rake.
Due to the complexity involved in the formulas for some of the tutorials, formula restart files have been provided to you and should be used when instructed during the tutorials.
Instruction of the AcuReport tool, a standalone post-processor batch tool used to generate a report from an AcuSolve solution database.
The main menu bar is located at the top of the interface and provides access to all other panels of the interface.
A unified graphical user interface (GUI) is used for all platforms that are supported by AcuFieldView.
Usage of AcuFieldView, an OEM version of Intelligent Light’s FieldView post-processing software.
The Tools menu contains features that allow you to export surface and object information, unify the display characteristics of all surfaces of a given type, create AcuFieldView structured boundary files based on the grid file read in, define custom colors with the Color Mixer, and use preset graphics layout sizes for images and animations.
The second mode allows you to include a surface or transient sweep in the extract file.
The second mode allows you to include a surface or transient sweep in the extract file.
(c) 2021. Altair Engineering Inc. All Rights Reserved.