Manage Rigid Bodies

Manage and review all rigid bodies in the model using the RBODY Manager.

Open the RBODY Manager, from the メニューバー, by clicking Tools > Rbody Manager.
制約事項: Only available in the Radioss user profile.
The RBODY Manager provides the following features in one convenient tab:
  • Display all rigid bodies in the model
  • Display individual rigid bodies
  • Create new, and edit existing, simple and complex rigid body formulations
  • View and update details of individual rigid bodies, though the カードエディター and the Rigid panel
Existing rigid bodies are shown in the table. For each rigid body, the display status, ID number, name, master node ID, and type is shown.
表 1.
Column Description
Disp Indicates whether the rigid body is displayed in the graphics area.
ID The ID number of the rigid body.
Title The descriptive name of the rigid body.
Master Node The ID of the node that serves as the master node of the rigid body.
Type S or C. S indicates a simple rigid body, which is a typical spider formulation. C indicates a complex formulation, such as an RBODY that points to a part or a set of sets.
Highlight individual entries or groups of entries to perform an action on the rigid body. Actions are available from the コンテキストメニュー (by right-clicking over the table entries) or the toolbar buttons. These actions are described below:
表 2.
Icon Name Description
Review Option Customize the way the selected rigid bodies are displayed. Options include transparency and auto-review selections.
Review Highlights the nodes to which the selected RBODY is attached. The main node is shown in blue and the secondary nodes are shown in red.
Find Attached Highlights the elements that are attached to the selected rigid body.
Edit Modify the definition of the rigid body through the Rigid panel.
Card Edit Opens the RBODY card in the カードエディター.
Delete Deletes the selected rigid body.
Refresh Update the table of rigid bodies.
New rigid bodies can be created with the RBODY Manager. The following fields are available at the bottom of the RBODY Manager tab, which enable you to supply all the basic data needed to create a new RBODY. Nodes, parts, materials, properties, and GRNODs can be used to define the secondary nodes. Once the RBODY is created, click refresh to list it in the table. Then you can select the RBODY to edit the カードイメージ, display the RBODY, and so on.
  • When a large number of secondary nodes are attached to a main node, the connecting lines are not displayed in the graphical model.
  • The table of rigid bodies can be sorted by the ID, title, mater node, and type columns.
  • Select Show Details from the コンテキストメニュー to display a summary of details about the rigid body including the ID, name, main node ID, and number of secondary nodes.
  • Select Editable from the コンテキストメニュー to make the title column editable. When the Title column is editable you can modify the names of the rigid bodies.

The tool is also available in the PAM-CRASH 2G user profile and offers similar features.