Convert Panel

Use the Convert panel to exchange data between different solver formats.

Location: Tool page

Data can be exchanged between two card image solvers, or a card image solver and a dictionary solver. The data that is converted from one format to another are component thickness and material properties, Young's Modulus, Poisson's Ratio, and density.

Note: In order for the convert process to work, you must have the HyperWorks template appropriate to your source file.

The other (2.0) solver choice should be used for those solvers that use the dictionary format. All of the other solvers listed are card image solvers.

Thickness Conversion Between Solvers

Conversion Action
Nastran to LS-DYNA It is possible to transfer overall component thickness and individual element nodal thicknesses.
ANSYS to Nastran Thickness of individual components and overall component thickness defined in ANSYS Real constant table can be transferred to individual element nodal thickness for Nastran.
ANSYS to Abaqus Thickness defined in the real constant table of ANSYS is converted to the corresponding component average thickness in Abaqus.
Abaqus to PAM-CRASH 2G Component thickness defined in Abaqus is converted to corresponding component thickness in PAM-CRASH 2G.
Abaqus to ANSYS Component thickness defined in Abaqus is converted to corresponding component thickness in ANSYS.

Panel Options

Option Action
source solver Select the existing source solver format.

This is the solver format for the data you wish to transfer.

destination solver Select the appropriate destination format.

This is the solver format in which to save the data.