Engine Keyword Generates animation files containing shell element data for the specified result. Options used for SHELL type of element.
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
Eltyp | Element type.
Restype |
- User variables USRII are available for shell and brick
elements, but USRII/JJ is only available for shell elements. When
an integration point is not explicitly described, returned integration point means
the integration point is superior; computed as [(number of integration points in
thickness + 1) / 2]. The result is then rounded up to the superior value.
- Example:
For two integration points in thickness, second integration point from bottom (top of thickness) is returned.
For three integration points in thickness, second integration point from bottom (middle one) is returned.
For four integration points in thickness, third integration point from bottom is returned.
- Example:
- THIN is computed as:
(1) - With ERROR/THICK, an estimated error on shells and 3-node
shells thickness is computed as:
- Nodal thickness is computed as:
(2) Where, and are the area and thickness of element containing node .
Then the thickness error is evaluated for each element , using the formula:(3)
- Nodal thickness is computed as:
- The option SIGEQ is available for SHELL and BRICK (refer to /ANIM/BRICK/SIGEQ). Each material law, in Radioss has its own yield criterion to calculate the equivalent stress. For some it is von Mises; for others, it is Hill or Barlat or something else. For any non-von Mises criterion, the corresponded equivalent stress (or criterion) is computed within all the integration points of the element. Therefore, the output field /ANIM/SHELL/SIGEQ is computed as a mean value over the all integration points (through all layers).
- The option
PLY is only available for SHELL. In this case, composite shells
using the plyxfem formulation or modeled with one shell/ply. Each
created shell is offset from the original shell to its true position.Note: The size of the animation files may be highly increased.
- For shell and 3-node shell elements, /ANIM/ELEM/DAM1, DAM2, and DAM3, are available for Material LAW15 and LAW25. These values are the principal values of the damage (values in the local orthotropic skew).
- The "SPH outputs" are available with /ANIM/Eltyp = ELEM/Restype (all Restype values; except Restype = THIC or HOURG). The Restype values: DAM1, DAM2 or DAM3 are only available with material LAW24 for brick element.
- The option /ANIM/ELEM/SIGX is only applied for shell elements. For brick elements, /ANIM/BRICK/TENS must be used.
- In /ANIM/ELEM/SIGX and /ANIM/ELEM/SIGY, shell stress is located on the center of the element.
- Element time step shows in animation only if elementary time step is computed for this element by Radioss. If nodal time step used (/DT/NODA) in computation, then no element time step shows in animation.