Engine Keyword Generates animation files containing shell tensor data for shell elements that use ply based composite properties, /PROP/STACK (TYPE17), /PROP/TYPE51, or /PCOMPP.
Field | Contents | SI Unit Example |
Restype | Output tensor: 1
Keyword5 | Ply output. 4
Keyword6 | Output location: Only
used if Keyword5 is entered.
- Stress and strain tensor are output in the elemental coordinate system.
- For fully integrated BATOZ shells, Ishell=12, the output value is the average of the in-plane Gauss points.
- Strain tensor is output only if Istrain =1 in shell property for material law numbers < /MAT/LAW25 (COMPSH), except laws /MAT/LAW15 (CHANG) and /MAT/LAW19 (FABRI). For all other material laws, the value of Istrain does not matter.
- Ply ID number is prop_ID from /PROP/TYPE19 (PLY)/prop_ID or ply_ID from /PLY/ply_ID.