File Extensions and Formats

Radioss format 2021 uses the 12x extension format.

4x Extension Format 12x Extension Format Type Format Remark Read by Written by
RunnameD00 Runname_0000.rad Starter input ASCII   Starter HyperCrash


N/A Runname.radopt

(13x extension)

Optimization Input ASCII   OptiStruct HyperCrash


RunnameDnn Runname_run#.rad Engine input ASCII   Engine HyperCrash


RunnameRnn Runname_run#_cpu # [_C].rst Restart file Any Default binary Engine Starter


RunnameAnnn RunnameAnnn Animation IEEE binary   HyperView Engine
N/A Runname.h3d Animation H3D   HyperView Engine (starting in 2018) or HvTrans through run script
RunnameTnn if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/41 is used (default):


if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/51 is used:


Time history Any Default IEEE binary HyperGraph Engine
RunnameTnnx if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/41 is used (default):


if Radioss Engine option /TH/VERS/51 is used:


"x": letter (a to i)

Time history Any Default IEEE binary HyperGraph Engine
Runname@Tnn Runname_run#_@.thy MNOISE file Any   HyperGraph Engine
RunnameLnn Runname_run#.out Listing ASCII     Engine
RunnameYnnn Runname_nnnn.sty or RunnameYnnn

according to /IOFLAG

if Irootyy = 2:


if Irootyy ≠ 2:


Output ASCII   Starter Engine
N/A Runname_run#.sta State file ASCII   Starter Engine
RunnameCnn Runname_run#.ctl Control file ASCII   Engine User


  1. Max Runname length is 80 characters and the characters "/" and "\" may not be used.
  2. run#: Radioss run number (four digits) from 0000 to 9999.
  3. cpu #: number of SPMD processors (four digits) from 0001 to 9999.
  4. C: restart letter (see /RFILE/n in the Radioss Engine Input manual).
  5. In case of Single File Input, Engine options can be added into Starter file. See Single File Input for details.
  6. Though the current version of Radioss is able to read 4.x extension input files, output files always follows 12.x extension format.