Provide a formula that is used to calculate job execution priority.
You can choose to use a formula to sort jobs at the finest-granularity level. When
the scheduler sorts jobs according to the formula, it computes a priority for each
job. The priority computed for each job is the value produced by the formula. Jobs
with a higher value get higher priority.
Click the Configure tab.
Choose the HPC to configure.
Click Scheduling from the
PBS Professional menu located on the left-hand side of the
web page.
Click located in the upper right-hand corner of the web page.
Enable the Display Advanced Settings check box.
Click located to the right of Job Sort
For Job Sort Formula, enter a formula to calculate job
The formula can be made up of expressions, where expressions contain terms
which are added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided, and which can contain
parentheses, exponents, unary plus and minus, the ternary operator, and Python
math module functions.
Click to save the change.