Block Format Keyword Defines interfaces TYPE2 default values.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
    Ignore Spotflag   Isearch Idel2    
Read this input, if Spotflag=25, 27 or 28:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


Field Contents SI Unit Example
Ignore Flag to ignore secondary nodes if no main segment found. 13 14
Set to 1000.
Secondary nodes with no main segment found during the Starter are deleted from the interface.
Secondary nodes with no main segment found during the Starter are deleted from the interface, new calculation for dsearch, if dsearch= 0.
Secondary nodes with no main segment found during the Starter are deleted from the interface, new calculation for dsearch, if dsearch= 0.
=1000 (Default)
No deletion of secondary nodes.


Spotflag Spotweld formulation flag. 4 5 6 7 8 12
Set to 4, if /CAA is used.
Set to 5, if /CAA is not used.
Formulation is optimized for spot welds or rivets.
Same formulation as standard formulation. Required when using hierarchy levels. Not compatible with nodal time step, /DT/NODA/CST.
=4 Default, if /CAA is used.
Rotational DOF are not transmitted, if shells are used. Not compatible with nodal time step /DT/NODA/CTS.
=5 Default, if /CAA is not used.
Standard formulation.
= 20, 21, 22
Formulation with failure. Not compatible with nodal time step, /DT/NODA/CST. The stress is computed for each secondary node according to the "equivalent" surface around the node. The equivalent surface is defined accordingly:
Surface computed using shell and brick faces attached to the node.
Surface computed using only the shell attached to the node.
Surface computed using only the brick faces attached to the node.
Penalty formulation (not recommended). 19
Kinematic formulation similar to Spotflag =5 with an automatic switch to penalty formulation when incompatible kinematic conditions occur. 20
Kinematic formulation similar to Spotflag =1 with an automatic switch to penalty formulation when incompatible kinematic conditions occur. 20
Formulation with cubic curvature of main segment. Not compatible with nodal time step, /DT/NODA/CST.


Isearch Search formulation flag for the closest main segment.
Set to 2.
Old formulation (only used for previous version).
=2 (Default)
New improved formulation.


Idel2 Node deletion flag. 9 10 16
Set to 1000.
Kinematic condition is suppressed on the secondary node, when all elements linked to the main segment are deleted. (The secondary node is removed from the interface).
Kinematic condition is suppressed on the secondary node, if the main element is deleted. (The secondary node is removed from the interface).
=1000 (Default)
No deletion.


Istf Interface stiffness definition flag. 17
Only used with penalty formulations (Spotflag=25, 27 or 28)
Set to 2.
Penalty stiffness is the main stiffness.
=2 (Default)
Penalty stiffness is the average of the main and secondary stiffness.
Penalty stiffness is the maximum of the main and secondary stiffness.
Penalty stiffness is the minimum of the main and secondary stiffness.
Penalty stiffness is the main and secondary stiffness in series.
