Run Restarts From The Command Line

An AcuFieldView restart can be run at start-up.

Use the following command line argument at start-up: acuFv -f restart_name.

On start up, AcuFieldView looks for a -f name argument on the command line. If this argument is present, AcuFieldView will automatically read any files that begin with restart_name and have a standard AcuFieldView file extension, such as for a Colormap restart file, or restart_name.iso for an Iso-surface restart file. Note that name can include slashes to access directories other than the current directory, however file extensions are not allowed.

If no -f argument is present, AcuFieldView will automatically read in any files in the current directory that begin with fv and have a standard AcuFieldView file extension. If no fv* files exist in the current directory, AcuFieldView will read in any such files that exist in the directory FV_HOME/data. This allows for preference files to be read in automatically upon start up.

An automatic restart of your user preference settings can be created with the Preference Restart option on the Restart Files menu.