Change Color Settings
Change how entities are colored in the modeling window by selecting a color mode.
From the View Controls toolbar, click /
select a color mode.
- Automatic
- Switches to the appropriate color mode depending on the active tool.
- 1D/2D/3D
- Color elements based on their topology: green (1D), blue (2D), and red (3D).
- 3D Topology
- Ignore surface topology and color surfaces and surface edges blue. Color solid faces and face edges transparent green (bounding faces), and color internal faces yellow (full partition faces).
- Assembly
- Color elements and surfaces based on the assembly to which they belong. Color surfaces that do not belong to an assembly are colored gray.
- Body
- Color the model based on the body entities generated via the Mechanism Browser.Note: Only available in the Radioss and LS-DYNA solver interface.
- Component
- Color elements, surfaces, and solid faces based on the component to which they belong.
- Configuration
- Color elements based on their configuration (mass, reb2, spring, bar, rod, gap tria3, quad4, tetra4, and so on).
- Domain
- Color elements based on the domains they belong to. A domain is a morphing entity which enables design changes to an existing FE topology. Each domain receives a different color. Any elements that do not belong to a domain are colored gray.
- Element Quality
- Color elements based on their quality, which is defined by the 2D element criteria settings. The element quality legend displays in the modeling window to assist you in evaluating the element quality.
- Mappable
- Display surfaces in wireframe, and color surface edges blue (ignoring topology). Color solid faces by mappability: red (not mappable), yellow (1D mappable), or green (3D mappable). Color solid face edges by topology.
- Material
- Color elements based on the material assigned to that element.
- Mixed
- Color surfaces and solid faces based on the component to which they belong, and color surface edges and solid face edges by topology.
- Part
- Color all surfaces based on the part to which they belong.
- Property
- Color elements based on the property assigned to that element.
- Thickness
- Color elements according to their thickness values.
- Topology
- Color 2D faces gray, and color surface edges by topology: red (free edges), green (shared edges), yellow (t-junctions), and blue (suppressed edges). Color solid faces and face edges transparent green (bounding faces), and color internal faces yellow (full partition faces).
- Component
- Color elements, surfaces, and solid faces based on the component to which they belong.
- Model
- Color by model. Model color can be set in the Results Browser.
- Normal
- Color elements by their normal. A positive normal side will be displayed in red and a negative normal side of an element will be displayed in blue. This mode is applicable only to shell elements. Other types of elements will be shown in gray.
- Part
- Color by part.
- Automatic
- File
- Axis
- Layer
- Systems
- Bodies