
This command will be used to create an mdlTempListCollector widget. This widget is a collector that lets the user select multiple different types and hold on to each reference individually. It is not attached to a data member so it gets/sets its value from the specified variables. The widget is a “combobox” of mdlTempCollectors of different entity types. The user can select the type of entity that they want to resolve and then resolve it. The resolutions for the other types are not lost, they are individually maintained. The list of types includes a variable to hold the value for each type. This widget will not be attached to any data members.


::model::mdlTempListCollector frmPath variable types


MotionView Tcl


This command will be used to create an mdlTempListCollector widget. This widget is a collector that lets the user select multiple different types and hold on to each reference individually. It is not attached to a data member so it gets/sets its value from the specified variables. The widget is a “combobox” of mdlTempCollectors of different entity types. The user can select the type of entity that they want to resolve and then resolve it. The resolutions for the other types are not lost, they are individually maintained. The list of types includes a variable to hold the value for each type. This widget will not be attached to any data members.


The frame on which the list collector widget will be created is passed as an argument.
We need to pass the name of the variable. The variable will be filled with the type of the collector. If the variable value is set to one of the types in the list of types (types argument), that is displayed as the selected type when the mdlTempListCollector is first displayed.
This argument is a list of lists with each list containing three arguments: enum, type, and variable.


set ::selected_ent1 ""
set ::selected_ent2 ""
set ::selected_type ""
set top [toplevel .test]
set colFrm [frame $top.tmpFrm1 ]
pack $colFrm
set types {{Body Body ::selected_ent1} {Graphic Graphic ::selected_ent2}}
set list_col [::model::mdlTempListCollector $colFrm.lcol ::selected_type "$types" ]
pack $list_col


On successful execution of the command, it will create a mdlTempListCollector widget.