
This command will be used to create an mdlNonlinear widget, this widget contains a combobox and it allows the user to specify a curve, spline3D, value or expression properties based on the combobox selection.


::model::mdlNonLinear path entityHandle type eb


MotionView Tcl


This command will be used to create an mdlNonlinear widget, this widget contains a combobox and it allows the user to specify a curve, spline3D, value or expression properties based on the combobox selection.


The frame on which the mdlNonLinear widget will be created is passed as an argument.
We need to pass the handle of the entity which contains the nonlinear data member.
We need to pass the name of the data member that will be used by the mdlNonLinear widget.
We need to pass a variable that holds the path of the edit bar address (Expression builder) to this argument. If the variable does not hold a path, the ::model::mdl3StateEntry widgets used within the mdlNonLinear widget would not be linked to the edit bar. That is, the user cannot use the edit bar to modify the value for the ::model::mdl3StateEntry.


set eb_frame ""
::model::GetClientHandle client
client GetModelHandle mod
mod InterpretEntity bshandle Bush bsh_0 "\"Bush0\"" "" "" ""
set top [toplevel .test]
set colFrm [frame $top.tmpFrm1 ]
pack $colFrm
set xTypeList {}
set bsh_cb [::model::mdlNonLinear $colFrm.cb bshandle "ktx" ::eb_frame]
pack $bsh_cb
client ReleaseHandle
mod ReleaseHandle
bshandle ReleaseHandle


On successful execution of the command, it will create the mdlNonLinear widget.