
This command will be used to create an mdlMatrix widget. It contains a matrix of entry widgets based on the row and column numbers specified. If the number of rows and/or number of columns are not specified, the dimensions of the matrix will not be set.


::model::mdlMatrix path entityHandle dm -rows # -columns #


MotionView Tcl


This command will be used to create an mdlMatrix widget. It contains a matrix of entry widgets based on the row and column numbers specified. If the number of rows and/or number of columns are not specified, the dimensions of the matrix will not be set.


The frame on which the mdlMatrix widget will be created is passed as an argument.
We need to pass the handle of the entity which contains the numeric vector data member.
We need to pass the name of the data member that will be used by the mdlMatrix widget.
-rows #
We need to pass the number of rows to be used by the mdlMatrix widget. If this is not specified, 1 row is assumed.
-columns #
We need to pass the number of columns to be used by the mdlMatrix widget. If this is not specified, 1 column is assumed.


::model::GetClientHandle client
client GetModelHandle mod
mod InterpretEntity fldhandle Field fld_0 "\"Field0\"" "" "" ""
set top [toplevel .test]
set colFrm [frame $top.tmpFrm1 ]
pack $colFrm
set fld_cb [::model::mdlMatrix $colFrm.cb fldhandle "f" -rows 6 -columns 1]
pack $fld_cb
client ReleaseHandle
mod ReleaseHandle
fldhandle ReleaseHandle


On successful execution of the command, it will create the mdlMatrix widget.