
This command will be used to create an mdlSymCheckBox widget and this will be attached to the “sym” data member (by default) of the pair entity passed as an argument. The widget contains the necessary logic to prompt the user regarding copying values (from master to slave side) and/or breaking symmetry. It also contains common logic that is used to allow or disallow the user from turning the symmetry on or off for an entity.


::model::mdlSymCheckBox frmPath entityHandle


MotionView Tcl


This command will be used to create an mdlSymCheckBox widget and this will be attached to the “sym” data member (by default) of the pair entity passed as an argument. The widget contains the necessary logic to prompt the user regarding copying values (from master to slave side) and/or breaking symmetry. It also contains common logic that is used to allow or disallow the user from turning the symmetry on or off for an entity.


The frame on which the mdlSymCheckBox widget will be created is passed as an argument.
We need to pass the handle of the pair entity whose “sym” data member needs to be modified.


::model::GetClientHandle client
client GetModelHandle mod
mod InterpretEntity pbshandle PointMassBodyPair pb_0 "\"PointMassBody0\""
set top [toplevel .test]
set colFrm [frame $top.tmpFrm1 ]
pack $colFrm
set sym_cb [::model::mdlSymCheckBox $colFrm.sym_cb pbshandle -items { "mass" }]
pack $sym_cb
client ReleaseHandle
mod ReleaseHandle
pbshandle ReleaseHandle


On successful execution of the command, it will create an mdlSymCheckBox widget.