Iso-Surface Panel

Use the Iso-Surface panel to create arbitrary cutting planes.

An iso-surface is defined as a region of constant function value. This value can be based on any of the geometric or scalar functions defined for your dataset. You can select the iso-function scalar directly, or you can load the Iso-Surface Function Register on the Function Specification panel. Once the iso-function and the iso-value are specified, AcuFieldView will examine the scalar quantities in the field and display the iso-surface. You may also specify a range of values to sweep the iso-surface through. The iso-surface itself can be mapped with colors based on the current scalar function. For example, the iso-surface may represent all areas in the solution space with a temperature equal to 500 degrees, while the colors on the iso-surface show the various pressures across that surface.

These cutting planes can be defined by either selecting three points in the graphics window, or a single point and a normal direction. The plane can also be swept along its normal vector in order to view a series of cuts. Since an arbitrary cutting plane is a type of iso-surface, it can be viewed in all the same ways as an iso-surface.

If the iso-surface function is constant on a grid (minimum = maximum), then no surface will be displayed on that grid.