IIHS Side Impact Intrusion

Load a File

File type
Select the solver output results file type. Options include:
  • Radioss - A0
  • LS-DYNA - d3plot
  • H3D
  • Saved intrusion data
File name
Click the file browser icon to select the output results file for the selected file type.
Upon clicking Load, the following action is performed based on the selected file type.
For the graphical result file (d3plot, H3D):
  • The selected results file is loaded into a new HyperView page.

Ref coordinate system

N1, N2, and N3
Click the arrow, , to pick nodes from the drop-down menu.
Seat Centerline
For H Point, select nodes from the drop-down menu for the d3plot and H3D files.
Click the arrow, , to pick nodes from the drop-down menu.
Y and Z coordinates will be used from the node selection menu. Or, you can enter the Y and Z values for the H Point.


Three methods are available for picking the B-pillar profile:

Section cut
Pick two nodes on the top and bottom of the B-pillar and the utility determines the closest node along that line.
Specify nodes
Graphically pick the nodes on the screen.
Specify file
If node definitions have been saved in a file, you can select that file.

Select comps

Click Components to display the Extended Entity Selection dialog.

Click to review the components.

B Pillar Inner

Curve options

Allows you to edit the following curve display options:

The name of curve.
The standard modes available to plot curves. From the drop-down menu, select Append, Overlay or Replace.
Select the curve line style.
Select the curve line color from the palette.
Load/Save defaults
User-specified inputs can be saved as default file (.def) and can be loaded again for future use. Reference coordinate system points, seat mount points, measurement points, and curve options are saved in the default file.
Export Intrusion
Exports the last calculated intrusion values into text file. An exported intrusion text file can be reused later by selecting Saved intrusion data as the file type and selecting the respective file.
For plotting saved intrusion data, you can directly select the file, specify curve options and plot the graph.
Upon clicking Apply, the following steps are performed to plot the final results.
  • Validate inputs.
  • Calculate intrusion for all measurement points.
  • Plot the intrusion plot with standard regulation limit plots. Intrusion values are also tabulated in a separate TextView window.