Node Configuration
Specify the parameters of a node.
Parameters of a node are specified on the Node Configuration dialog.

Figure 1. The Node Configuration dialog.
- General
- Name
- Arbitrary name of node.
- ID
- Unique ID of node (not changeable).
- Type
- Type of node (for example client, gateway). A node can be either static (fixed location) or time variant (moving). If the Terminator option is enabled, the node can not act as a messenger, thus the node can only be information source or sink and can not be between information source and sink.
- Probability of Failure
- Probability for an occurring failure during transmission/re-transmission/message processing.
- Process Delay
- Processing time for reception-message processing-transmission cycle.
- Location and Orientation
- Location coordinate(s) and orientation of the node. In time variant scenarios, a location and orientation has to be defined for each time stamp to be evaluated.
- Transceiver
Transceivers associated with the node can be added, edited and deleted using the corresponding buttons. All corresponding parameters can be specified on the Transceiver Configuration dialog.