Node Configuration

Specify the parameters of a node.

Parameters of a node are specified on the Node Configuration dialog.

Figure 1. The Node Configuration dialog.
Arbitrary name of node.
Unique ID of node (not changeable).
Type of node (for example client, gateway). A node can be either static (fixed location) or time variant (moving). If the Terminator option is enabled, the node can not act as a messenger, thus the node can only be information source or sink and can not be between information source and sink.
Probability of Failure
Probability for an occurring failure during transmission/re-transmission/message processing.
Process Delay
Processing time for reception-message processing-transmission cycle.
Location and Orientation
Location coordinate(s) and orientation of the node. In time variant scenarios, a location and orientation has to be defined for each time stamp to be evaluated.

Transceivers associated with the node can be added, edited and deleted using the corresponding buttons. All corresponding parameters can be specified on the Transceiver Configuration dialog.