Edit Pixel Data

Modify pixel data, such as result databases or topography and morpho / clutter databases.

Pixel data, such as result databases or topography and morpho / clutter databases, can be modified with CoMan. If a pixel database is visible in the Project View, the edit tool can be started by selecting Edit > Pixel Data > Edit Values. Then specify the settings in the dialog that opens.

Figure 1. The Pixel Data dialog.
Either an arbitrary decimal value or Value not computed can be specified.
Paint Tool
The tool to be used for the edit operation can be selected in this section of the dialog.
Two opposite corner of the rectangle have to be defined by pressing the left mouse button.
Definition points can be inserted by clicking the left mouse button. Pressing the right mouse button will close the polygon by connecting the first and the last definition point.
The first click with the left mouse button defines the center of the circle. The second click with the left mouse button defines the radius.
The two vertices of the ellipse can be defined with the first and the second click with the left mouse button.
Line / Polyline
Definition points can be inserted by clicking the left mouse button. Pressing the right mouse button will finish the input for this object.
Individual pixels can be selected by clicking with the left mouse button.
The values of the pixel database, which have been selected with the paint tool, can be can be replaced (set), added to or multiplied with the value specified in the upper section of the dialog.
Change undefined pixels
Pixels which are undefined, thus not computed in the pixel database can be considered optionally.