Specifies the value of a curve macro object.
*Set (X, value)
*Set (Y, value)
*Set (LABEL, value)
*Set (NOTE_POS, x, y)
*Set (NOTE_ATTACHMENT, "Window"|"View"|"Existing Curve"|"Coordinate"| "Curve Created by this Macro")
*Set (NOTE_MACRO_CURVE, point)
*Set (NOTE_CURVE, curve, point)
*Set (NOTE_POINT, x, y)
- X
- Sets the X values of the curve.
- Value
- The X value of the curve.
- Y
- Sets the Y values of the curve.
- Value
- The Y value of the curve.
- Sets the label of the curve.
- Value
- The label of the curve.
- Sets the position of the note.
- X
- The X position of the note.
- Y
- The Y position of the note.
- Sets the note attachment.
- "Window"|"View"| "Existing Curve"| "Coordinate"| "Curve Created by this Macro"
- The entity to which the note is attached.
- Sets a note attached to the curve created by a macro.
- Point
- The point on the curve to which the note is attached.
- Sets a note attached to an existing curve.
- Curve
- The curve to which the note is attached.
- Point
- The point on the curve to which the note is attached.
- Sets a note attached to a point.
- X
- The X coordinate of the point.
- Y
- The Y coordinate of the point.
*DefinePlotMacro(macro_batch, curve, low, high, times )
*Label( "batch general")
*Parameter(curve, "Curve (time = sec)", CURVE)
*Parameter(low, "Low cutoff", SCALAR)
*Parameter(high, "High cutoff", SCALAR)
*Parameter(times, "Time conv.", SCALAR, 1.0)
*Set(X, "curve.x")
*Set(Y, "batch(times*curve.x,curve.y,low,high)")
*Set(LABEL, curve.label + "_" + low + "_" + high)
*Set(NOTE_POS, x, y)
*Set(NOTE_ATTACHMENT, "Coordinate")
*Set(NOTE_POINT, x, y)
For NOTE_POS or NOTE_POINT, values for both X and Y are required.
For NOTE_CURVE, both a curve and a point are required.
For NOTE_ATTACHMENT, use one of the following arguments: "Window", "View", "Existing Curve", "Coordinate", or "Curve Created by this Macro" (must be in double quotes).
NOTE_CURVE is used only if the note is attached to an existing curve.
NOTE_POINT is used only if the note is attached to a coordinate.
NOTE_MACRO_CURVE is used only if the note is attached to a curve created by the macro.