
Specifies the relative path and filename of the source file for a vector in a plot curve or a text editor file.


*Filename (Path)


HyperGraph and TextView.


The path of the data file.
If the path begins with ". .", it is relative to the session file.
If the path begins with "/", it is absolute.





Preference Files

Report Definitions


*BeginCurve(On, "Resultant Force (N)")
	*Line(1, 2, 1)
	*Symbol(1, 2, 10)
	*BeginVector(X, File)
		*Request("abd.force trans")
		*Component("Resultant Force (N)")
	*BeginVector(Y, File)
		• • •
	*BeginVector(Time, File)
		• • •


Referenced files can be moved as long as the relative path between the session file and the source files remains intact, otherwise use an absolute path.

When the program writes a session file, it normally creates Templex variables for each plot file. These will be declared at the beginning of the session file in lines that look like:
{LOT_FILE_1 = "/altair/demos/hg/plotting/madymo/ANGACC"}
When the file is used, the program uses the following line:

To change the file, either change the path at the beginning of thesession, or replace {PLOT_FILE_1} with the path to the new plot file enclosed in quotes.

Changing the path at the beginning of the session will cause every instance of {PLOT_FILE_1} to use the new plot file, while changing the individual *Filename() statement causes only the given instance to change.